bad huddy very bad huddy xD
I'm crying...cause e of my current favourite fanfictions don#t go weiter :O and now everybody waits till the charakters find to themselves (= do it) it's boring to wait .-.
read another fanfiction?
Tu ich eh XD but i want to Know what Happens next
then write the writer an email or other message so he/she/it can see that people want MORE
À couple of other Users did it XDDD but One more Anfrage should Be okay
the more the better xD
Muahaha how recht you have!
baaaad Stecher... verrrrrrry bad Stecher! @all: Stay on topic please! :P (geeez, just say the name of the pairing and I'll be okay with it xD)
i loooove Matt x Mello (Death Note) and Mello must be nuttig XD'