aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

SeMeUkE's Lair

  1. Katsuo2007
    i'm sorry but what if i don't understand what your Vel-san saying? I know you said its something I don't want but if i didn't want it why would i have it?

    Ivan-san Vel-san has your soul??
  2. Velstraph
    *Kisses Eiri-kun's cheek*

    Mmm, heart and soul. So romantic I must say.


    But I detract. Think, Katsuo, of all the things that are in your life that you don't even recognize. A light bulb in a socket, a pair of glasses you own but never use, a fleeting thought that never finds realization. There are many you have and don't want, and many more that you don't even realize you have and thus wouldn't miss them if they were gone. It is of that quality that I seek. Thus is why I said you don't even use what I ask for, for such a thing is but a collectible I have a fascination with and thus means more to me than to others. Like an old coin, nice to look at by the layman but absolutely fascinating to the collector.

  3. Katsuo2007
    Yes, I think i understand but yet even if as you say a light bulb can be very important and if it is gone its presence will be surly missed would it not?
    a fleeting thought may not find realization but it make connect to another thought that then may find it. as for the glasses yes if I was no longer using them I would rather give them to someone else who would want them. but if they had sentimental value I may wish to keep them.
    If I may ask what if what you want from me is not something i want to give away? I know you said what i give you will be not something i want but how is that you would go about finding that out?

    Ivan-san will you be okay?
  4. Eiri169Uesugi
    *blushes* what are you talking about!? Hey don't do a sneak attack on me! i'm not trying to keep you for myself I'm trying to save people from making a mistake to make a contract with you.
  5. Velstraph
    *Strokes Eiri-kun's blushing cheek*

    Oh so you're saying you don't want me? And after all the things you let me do to you? So I was just your little toy, now just to be discarded.


    Your answer is quite simple Katsuo. I don't need to find out as observation alone is enough. It's like an owner who owns a litter of puppies. Five of the puppies receive the owner's attention while one goes unseen. Too busy with the other puppies the owner does not recognize that the mother dog gave birth a sixth time. This sixth puppy goes uncared for, destined to die out. Even after the owner recognizes that the sixth is there they have determined that it is the runt of the litter and is thus destined to die anyway, so the care for the other five is of more importance. I merely seek to take the sixth and give it a life of which it would have never known. My observations tell me it is unseen and unwanted. It matters not IF the owner would later change his or her mind, what matters is that the puppy receives care now. Care that I would bestow upon it free of the owners expense.
  6. Eiri169Uesugi
    No! that's not what i meant...i mean i do want you for myself and...you bastard you made me say something embarrassing!!
  7. Velstraph
    I did no such thing. You decided to embarrass yourself all on your own. Really, you make it sound like I trick people into doing things.

  8. Eiri169Uesugi
    *tackles Vel-san down onto the ground* aha! gotcha! I prevail at last!
  9. Katsuo2007
    you guys seem really close

    Velstraph-san I can accept your meaning when you are talking about objects but if you are talking about living things that for me is something different.
    I think livings have minds of their own making it difficult to own them.

    waaa! I just read Ivan-san's and Velstraph-san earlier posts and feel like I totally interrupted something! I'm sorry if i did ;-;
  10. Eiri169Uesugi
    I prevail over Velstraph. i'm the seme
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