aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Gundam SEED/Destiny

  1. subrosa
    Hey Tetsu! Welcome to the group, hope you like it here
    So who do you like most in the series? And ehm... you have a favorite couple?

    @Kayaz: limit for signature size is 500x175 which is actually rather big

    @Kira-yamato-kun: I'll just give you a formal HELLO!!!! and WELCOME!!! cuz maybe if you feel welcome, you'll post some more haha.
    I suppose you like Kira, seeing your name Why do you like him? (I actually do want to know that, because maybe, if you tell me that, then I can actually start liking him as well...)
    And yeah, you can make a banner if you like
  2. Kayaz
    Hi Tetsu glad you're here^^

    @subrosa: I know that, it's just now I have to change my signature pic since I'm already at the limit. So I think I'm just going to make a Gundam Seed themes signature and link the picture here If all goes well anyways.

    @Kira: hi dear, glad you spoke up *cough cough* was afraid you died.
  3. Kira-Yamato-kun
    Hey Tetsu, welcome to the group

    @Subrosa: It might seem a little odd but I guess I like Kira because he isn't all about war and fighting. His personality reminds me of my own so I feel as though I can understand his character a bit better. It's just nice to see a character develop and in my world Kira has a lot. I know a lot of people say he's a crybaby and so on but I think you just need to read into it more. Kira doesn't like fighting, all he wants to do is protect his important people. Throughout Seed and Destiny he faces so many situations that conflict with what he believes in but he nevers gives that up. He's calm and understanding rather than irrational and impetuous. He even displays this after he killed Nicol. If he were a typical soldier he would have been like Shinn is after he kills soldiers. Instead Kira mourns his actions and regrets them. For me that's more important, caring and understanding in times such as war.
    So yeah...that's just a random rant ^^;; sorry if it doesn't help you like him more though XD I do wish I could change my name (not that I don't love Kira or anything), I'd just like to have a different name that's more personal. And when I get the time I will for sure make a banner. I have a few other projects to finish now but when I'm finished them I will make one.

    @Kayaz: You know I'm not dead darling Just the social group part of me was asleep and forgot to post ^.^
  4. Kayaz
    Updated my siggy with link to here so hopefully more people will find us here :3

    @Kira: lovely explanation dear, I agree with the majority of it. Kira is very sentimental and so on, but as long as that doesn't get in his way of his fighting abilities because then it can be disastrous for others or even himself. But he's made it so far
  5. Kira-Yamato-kun
    @Kayaz: Thanks I never really went to into great detail with everything. I do agree though as long Kira keeps his emotions in check they don't really get in the way. In Seed they do a little bit but in Destiny he seems to be more in control of his feelings and such.

    And Kayaz made me a lovely siggy linking to the group as well so hopefully that'll help us help a bit and get some new people ^^
  6. Kayaz
    @Kira: Though wasn't that the case when Shinn shot Kira down?? oh well...I liked that episode because of Athrun's reaction. It tore at my heart...shows their love
  7. Tetsu
    Thanks for the welcome everyone!!

    @subrosa: My fav....thats hard,there are just so many charters in both series.Now as for my fav couple.In the first one 'Seed' its Kira/Atrhun,but for 'Destiny' its Gil/Rei

    what about u?
  8. Kira-Yamato-kun
    @Kayaz: Well, if you consider that situation wouldn't you be a little bit distracted too? I know I would be slightly consider for the safety of my ship and all the people on it and that might slightly cause me to loose a bit of focus. I've been in an arguement over that scene a lot because some people say it's where Shinn proves he's stronger then Kira and I don't agree with them at all. XD not that I hate Shinn or anything
  9. Kayaz
    @Kira: I feel like I'm going to war with you....but that concern Kira has is always on everybody's mind, the safety of their ship and those they care about.
    But yes, I agree with you, Shinn isn't as strong as Kira and I doubt he ever will be

    @Tetsu: Kira/Athrun is Love <3
    oh and I like Gil/Rey too^^ but I also like Shinn/Rey
  10. Kira-Yamato-kun
    @Kayaz: In that certain scene though things were going pretty badly. I understand that those concerns are always on everyone's mind it's just the circumstance in that particular scene weren't normal.

    @Tetsu: I love Athrun/Kira, Shinn/Rey, Yzak/Dearka and Gil/Rey but there are others that I enjoy as well <3

    Does anyone have a favorite episode?
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