aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Rules Universe

  1. AshCat
    BTW super fantastic news Calling has a SEQUEL coming out in Reijin this month called Night Call <3 and Vanilla Star has been extended past 3 chapters <3 (which is our new staff favorite we all just want to scanlate it )

    also out next should be Sleeping moon ch2 and Hydra 9 (lol my friends at yaoi con pressured into working on it next heheh)

    Our panel went well and we'll be making an insert with all of sensei's quesitons and answers and releasing them for everyone soon
  2. Fuji
    Thanks for the webby! I actually haven't found TEOY in Japanese, just Chinese. *O* You guys have all the goodies to yourselves. :P

    My lips are shut, but can't wait for you guys to release it.

    Yay for the good news! Thanks again for LP's hard work. ^^
  3. AshCat
    Fuji - TEOY's magazine is new and not as well known so I'm not surprised that it's not getting scanned it was hard to find it originally for us too! Unfortunately it looks like something might be wrong with the publisher so we don't know if we'll ever see the end!!! Sandy has done a bunch of research and we haven't found anything conclusive so we're emailing and asking sensei directly about it :/ maybe she can still put out a tank with the ending even if the magazine has folded?
  4. AshCat
    Update: TEOY will have manga <3 sensei emailed us back But there won't be more magazines it was only supposed to be 5 issues.
  5. noone
    what's TEOY about? does it start a new story or uses some of the already introduced charas?
    ash, do you have any more chapters on the ghost story ? (forgot the name of it again )
  6. AshCat
    The end of youth it's already scanlated and out ch1&2
    Sleeping Moon the ghost story had ch2 released yesterday
  7. noone

    i missed it?!! *ashamed*

    i must admit though that i keep "losing" manga titles. they're so many and my memory was never good...

    BUT! my "two of hearts" is waiting for me at home
  8. AshCat
    Hydra 9 is up next heh we are checking with MIyamoto Kano to make sure we can release her interview with a story that she gave us for yaoi con
  9. Fuji
    So does that mean that there will be a volume 2 manga out sometime only as manga... ? Only the magazine contract is up? ^^

    I can't wait for Hydra.
  10. AshCat
    Fuji - on TEOY? I think she just means 1 volume of manga O_o but I guess there could be more?
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