aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Rules Universe

  1. noone
    *jumps up and down and up and down and up and down and gets dizzy*


    i need to keep a grip on my yaoi addiction
  2. AshCat
    Ooo - just got scans from new series running in Bboy logs - Vanilla Star: http://pics.livejournal.com/photoash/pic/008x5kp0 --
    Here's our summary:
    Heartbroken and lonely, Takeshi turns to internet porn for comfort, where the newest addition to the AV actors catches his eye. He tries to find out more about the boy, desperate to meet him. But the road to love is never rockier than when the object of your affections is in the porn industry...

    Ever wonder what happened to the poor side character who got dumped by Sahara-san in The man who wouldn't fall in love? Well, now's your chance to find out as Takeshi becomes the main character in Miyamoto Kano's newest manga

    I'm so excited this is exactly my type of story with hurt/comfort and a prostitute <3!
  3. AshCat
    Xposted from MK Lj community:

    Miyamoto Kano has said she'll draw a Bun related doujishi for Summer Comiket. She hasn't posted her stall's location yet but it should be up on her blog soon as Comiket is only a couple weeks away!

    Also, <A href="http://mellow-mellow.seesaa.net/article/101939686.html">Mellow Mellow</a> will be reprinting Are you enemy with a new chapter (end of August) and Not/Love with new material (end of September). When Mellow Mellow reprinted Lovers and souls last year they did a FANTASTIC job so I highly encourage you to pick up the reprints And Yes, we plan to scanlate the new material here at Liquid Passion <3 (though I wonder if Not/love's extra may be the doujishi we've already scanlated >_>)

    Sensei has a couple stories running in magazines right now Sleeping Moon is continuing in Chara, The end of youth in Ergo, and Vanilla Star is a new story out in Bboy Logs this month that looks very promising that's sorta a sequel to Aisaini Otoko. Miyamoto Kano has said there will be more stories before end of the year! We are also scanlating these too

    Big thanks to Sandyroo for translations

    Finally, Sandyroo and I have submitted to do a Miyamoto Kano panel at Yaoicon will post more info here if it's accepted
  4. Cannella
    Yay, a new Bun doujinshi!
    I can never have enough of him ^__^
    Thanks for the info, Ashcat!
  5. noone
    mellow mellow will reprint in japanese? no new licenses/release dates announced?

    yay, bun!!!

    ... i don't remember takeshi. but yes, that story sounds so good

    ok, so i was reading this mika sadahiro manga, don't remember the name, might even be "vanilla" or very close to that - vanilla boys were those who didn't like too rough sex, weren't they? those who were more... conservatory like. i wonder if MK's "vanilla boys" will be about that kind of men. how was takeshi in "the man..."?

    i need to re-read to look him up

    thank you for the news, ashcat!!

    how do you mean, a panel? will you draw it paint it and they will put it up somewhere?
  6. AshCat
    noone - I'll pm you about Vanilla Star... if you liked Night Walk I think it might be like that but more like..umm Bun in the first part of Not/Love heh

    Panel = presentation that people can attend - at cons it's normally 1 hour long, basically Sandy and I are making a powerpoint presentation and planning to have trvia game and just talk about sensei's work We've asked Miyamoto kano if she'll let us do an 'exclusive' yaoi con interview and then if she says yes we'll solicite questions from her fans and send her a few of them (i'll post here if we do that ) and i plan to have copies of say please in english and a copy of the new bun dj if it makes it here from japan in time to give away at raffle and trivia game
  7. noone
    a trivia about MK manga?? that sounds so good

    i wish i could go... sounds like fun!!

    thank you for the VB info, i can't wait to read it
  8. sierrasdemon
    Wow Vanilla Star has me curious. I loved how Bun was in Not Love and Night walk was great. Oh I uploaded a bunch of pics for everyone. Hope you enjoy!
  9. AshCat
    The man who wouldn't fall in love - Aisanai Otoko ch4 and extra posted tonight. Also Boy next door ch00 will be out soon

    Also comiket info in case you are ordering (it's this weekend):
    Miyamoto Kano will have her normal back catalogue of DJ (Hydra 1-5, 6-10, Song Birds, etc) and will have a new Bun doujishi compilation for 900yen that has NO NEW MATERIAL if you already own all the other Bun DJ (Sandy didn't bother translating what's in it since I already own them all so not sure what'll be in it) and the new book will be about Bun and be 300yen and containing "Bad Habit" and Under the Skin... Bad Habit is the DJ that Sandy translated for sensei from Winter comiket that was posted on Miyamoto kano's site in english for a little while this will be all of the story instead of just the first few pages and a new bit.

    Also there will be a new Bun poster and post card but the quantities are extremely limited and once they sell out they will be gone. (In the past Miyamoto Kano only allowed you to have one post card per new doujishi purchase when we got our Hikaru and Ryuu post cards in the past).
  10. noone
    aisanai otoko!!!!! *is downloading*

    thank you thank you thank you!!!
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