aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Yuuram Forever!!

  1. meridastar
    i love to see those pics too! oh n i love that episode when gunter is a doll.

    Ymecdyen: i agree with you i love how their always protecting eachother even if yuuri is in denial about his feelings toward wolfram. it's really kawaii!
  2. ladyjinnai
    oki.. then i`ll put them up.^.^
  3. ladyjinnai
    i will have more pics iin my albums. your welcome to come and look. ^.^

    and i definitly think it adoreble hove Yuuri is in such denial about wolfram. ^.^
  4. Ymecdyen
    Yesh, Yuuri is in major denial. Too kawaii! And kyaa! I can't wait for the next KKM eppy. It's not really spoiling since it's in the preview; Yuuri and Wolfram dressed in girl's clothes again. They look so cute! Kyaa! Can't wait!
  5. realiiizee
    Hope you like my wolfie wimp pic it's just amateurs work i'll try better but its the first of many ;3
  6. Frisky
    I had to share my pic of Wolfram shoving Gunter. I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair. Just got to love the way wolfram get jelous of Gunter and always has to pull him off Yuuri ........... pic from ep 52
  7. Frisky
    OH YEAH !!! I just finished watching ep 83 ....... good one ...... Yuuri is isn't protesting his wedding, not agreeing but not protesting either. wooooo woooo Wolfram is finally making progress.
  8. meridastar
    woohoo for wolfram! ....yuuri is in less denial and isnt protesting the marriage!
  9. YaminoTenshi
    i like the direction things heading.........and gambate Wolfram
  10. ladyjinnai
    hehe yeah its finaly going somewhere whit them.
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