aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. xcc
    I'm sorry guys, I woke up today with a longing to write, I just wrote my first yaoi fiction.
    I'm so happy so many of my dear friends around here love Sessy.
    I must confess something, I avoided almost all Inuyasha episodes Sessy wasn't in. The ones he was, I watched a few times.

    There is something is him so tantalizing.
  2. sweetschelene
    that sucks but at least there are more members thanks to you, and that is a good thing
  3. sweetschelene
    sorry i left you hanging in the middle of doing laundry, what fun for me...
  4. minamino
    yes sweetschelene it is but they dont come to often here
    xcc woaw your first yaoi that sounds intresting
    well i watched all the episodes but the ones that sessy appeared in them i watched them two times because i so love him
  5. minamino
    oww dont worry sweetschelene i dont mind but i was lonely that is all
  6. xcc
    Don't worry Dear Minamino, we will keep this place alive!
    The best thing is to have a place where we can talk about Sessy without bothering anyone or people thinking we are more weird or perv than usual
  7. sweetschelene
    Sorry... I have to go for now, will try to get back soon if not will talk tomorrow...
  8. minamino
    yay that is right is good to have a place were we can freely talk about sessy woaw he is so handsome and thanks for helping me keep this place alive i dunno what i would do without you guys
  9. xcc
    About my fiction, well I will be posting it later
    I'm not a writer, I'm computer engineer. So imagine.
  10. minamino
    oky sweetschelene bye hope we will talk again my dear if not see you tomorrow
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