aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. teito13
    hello xcc! *gives sesshoumaru shaped cookies* u can call me w/e
  2. Qwertzu
    story of a fan: *wanted to join this group* *watched the pictures first* *died of major blood-loss*
  3. xcc
    @Qwertzu, I hope you're still alive.
    Welcome to the group
  4. Qwertzu
    yeah, I´m alive! a shinigami appeared and told me if I die now, I won´t be able to read all those wonderful sesshoumaru fics (plus those which are yet to be written)... my soul rushed back to my body

    thanks for the welcome
  5. minamino
    hi everyone how have you guys been ??
    xcc hi is been a long time how have you been hugs really missed you
    teito,qwertzu nice to meet you guys and welcome to our little group
    so now an off topic question how many of you guys have seen Kaleido Star i have seen it a really long time ago but there are a few characters that i still like from that anime like Layla or Yuri or Leon or Sora etc the plot of the anime isn't so interesting but there are a few episode when the do the legendary maneuver or the Angel maneuver
  6. xcc
    Hi Mina. I'm doing well, thanks.
    Kaleido Star was one of the first anime I ever watched. I was so innocent back then...
    It's beautiful, and it has a lot of angst in it. Of course, I love Leon. He's so much like our Sesshoumaru.

    Here are a few of my favorites videos from it:




    If you like it, you might want to watch Pretear.
  7. Kadaj_chan
    Hi!I am new!and I am a GREAT fan of Sesshy-Sama!
  8. izumeseijin
  9. xcc
    @Kadaj_chan and Izumeseijin, welcome aboard

    @Izumeseijin, thanks so much for the links. I read something about it, but I didn't have time to look it up.

    Yes!!! More Sesshoumaru for us to enjoy.
  10. minamino
    xcc well it was one of my first animes too and the same i was really impressed by them back then when i first sow them thanks for the vids i will go and see them i am sure they are great and you know i really thought that Leon resembles in some ways with sesshomaru a lot he was called a demon or something in the anime i don't remember really well
    ow and thanks for the info but i have already seen Pretear i liked it a lot
    Kadaj_chan welcome to the group nice to see new faces here
    izumeseijin yah i sow info about it on anime news network some time now but i wasn't able to come on aarin to inform anyone glad you did it i cant wait for the anime
    like xcc says i cant wait to see sesshomaru-sama again
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