aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. xcc
    @Luci, really?

    Well, in that case you might like to read some of Sesshoumaru/Naraku
    I began to read a couple of those, but to be honest, it's too much for me, I couldn't handle it.
    Even the Marquis de Sade would be impressed.
    Speaking of French men with certain tastes, I just recalled Atsushi Sakurai favorite poet: Charles Baudelaire, interesting person. At-san was inspired by his "Les Fleurs du Mal" or "The Flowers of Evil", to write the song with the same title. I will be posting a video of it on our At-san group.
    If you want to read a translation of Baudelaire's work, you can find it here: http://www.baudelaire.cz/works.html
  2. LuciferxDamien
    @xcc-san: You're so great! Wow, if it would impress the man that gave us sadism...I must read! You keep giving my so many great things to read, I don't know how I can repay you!
  3. xcc
    @Luci, what about updating your story?
  4. sweetschelene
    OMG..been watching Inuyasha movies again..so good and wearing them out..hehehe..hey everyone sorry been gone for so long..xcc..hey you missed ya..well gotta go again..papers don't write themselves..
  5. xcc
    @Sweets, I missed you too!
  6. Jokin
    I am sure everybody asked this at least a couple of times, but will there be a new season ever again? did they mention this or started to create it? (btw is Rumiko still alive?)
  7. Jokin
    okaaaaaaaay...I've just read something interesting about a special called Black Tetsusaiga . And it's featuring our Lord
    Anyone seen it?
  8. xcc
    Now that the manga is complete, they should continue the anime. Otherwise it would be a lo$t earning opportunity.
    I've never heard of Black Tetsusaiga.
  9. minamino
    Jokin ee black Tetsusaiga never hear of that were did you heard of it from so curious
    xcc yup they should but unfortunately i didn't hear anything about continuing the anime hope they will i so love Inuyasha it would be a pity to leave the end the anime had -_-
  10. LuciferxDamien
    @xcc: Getting impatient are we? I promise to start writing again. Unfortunately...it is now NaNoWriMo! And I stupidly entered! I told my grandma that I was going to be writing a novel in a month, and she scoffed...at ME! So, I am doublely determined to get my novel done in less than a month, then I am going to wallpaper the house with it and say. 'HAH! I could too write a novel in a month!!! Now, you get to clean up the mess cause I'm going to bed for a week...' I like to procrastinate what I'm supposed to be writing by writing other things, so there's a good chance I'll update in the next month, trying to avoid my novel...I'm also writing a Berserk fanfic, anyone a fan of GutsxGriffith?
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