aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. inume27
    oh...my god....really?! ...what a coincidence ...this is great...yes,the more the better.
    Oh I'm so jealous you have found paradise
  2. minamino
    yes a very good coincidence tare ma bucur mult ca ne-am intalnit ^_^
    well it has his good points to but it has bad to like is a little expensive to buy manga -_- and i cant afford to buy to many -_-
  3. inume27
    Hmmm...to bad we're not filthy rich so we can buy all the manga in the world..
    So,do you visit our country or are you permanently established in Spain?...oh by the way,which city were you from here?...I'm from Craiova
  4. minamino
    yes you are right to bad wish i was rich so i could buy it all but i am satisfied with what i get and i cant read some online so it is fine i guess ^_^
    well of course i visit our country i will go next summer to see my friends that i left there and my relatives i really miss them all ^_^ but i will come back here because i am with the school here so i have to return here ^_^ eu sunt din Prahova orasul se numeste Ploiesti nu stiu dar cred ca ai auzit de el nu? translation i am from Prahova the city is named Ploiesti dunno but i guess you have heard of it ^_^
  5. inume27
    Yeah,but I haven't been there yet.Is it a beautiful city?
    Next summer?..cool...oh...you'll die because of the heat...this year it was so bad...you couldn't go out at all during the day.
  6. minamino
    hmm well it is i like it but you get bored of it believe me -_- you don't have many things to do there-_-
    yes next summer ow really i didn't knew well i am used with the heat from here -_- here even now is hot outside and you can dress with summer clothes ^_^
  7. inume27
    That sounds nice...here it suddenly got really cold and it rains...and I hate cold weather.
    Wahh...we talked a lot...but I don't know what to ask anymore...so what should we talk about next?
    ...and...can I ask you your name?...mine's Andreea (but my friends call me Deea)
  8. minamino
    ow me to i hate cold weather i like it better to be nice and warm
    yes we talked a lot glad we did and still do hmm lets see i would like to ask you how have you found yaoi and how come you started to like it i know that in our country there aren't many people that accept yaoi not to mention like -_-
    well nice to meet you Andreea i am Alex but people here call me Alejandro incantat sa te cunosc
  9. inume27
    Imi pare bine sa te cunosc,Alex.
    Oh...it all started with anime...I watched Fruits Basket and wasn't really satisfied with the ending so I read the manga....then for a period of time I read only shoujo...and by accident,while I was browsing some titles I saw the word yaoi at manga genre ...it sounded good so I decided to see what it was about...and I was hooked...never thought I would love it so much...and the rest is history.
    Oh you are so right...I'm actually a closet fan,none of my friends know I like reading about guys doing it...I tried to find out what their reaction would be like ..and it wasn't good...so I keep to myself...And I tried to get them into anime also...but not much luck with that either...only a friend of mine likes them,but she's not addicted like me.
    How about you?How did you discover yaoi?
  10. minamino
    the same here while i was living in Romania i accidentally sow a bl anime i think you know it Gravitation and after it Mirage of a Blaze and i was hooked to it to and the same in my country i was a closet fan of it and the same i tried to talk with some friends about anime and yaoi but i didn't had any luck they were saying it is disgusting they are stupid and closed minded that is what i think they cant accept it and about anime either they don't like it -_- so i was all alone with my obsession over anime and yaoi and you know i am a guy and i like yaoi so if someone of my country new i was called a gay or who knows even worse so i was afraid to tell anything about it but here i dont have any problem with it i can say how much i want that i like yaoi because no one cares ^_^ and that is better and i have meet some people that like anime to and yaoi is better now
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