aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. xcc
    @sweetschelene, howdy!

    @Mina, Yes, there is a reason why they want to keep it 18+. About some of the stuff I read, xmux related, it's really interesting seeing a different side of Sesshoumaru, however, even for me, who've been there, done that, it is still like "overwhelming".
    So waiting is the best option. I just needed it to share the news, with the only ones who can understand, why I've been reading about certain anime character, doing it. My friends would never get it. They will just write me off as pervert of the year.
  2. minamino
    xcc ow sorry to hear that well i will never think of you as a pervert of the year hugs
  3. xcc
    @Mina, thanks
  4. crinkletoes
    Fufufu...i'll join anythihng that involves Sesshy and his awesome power of smex ...

    Hi, btw! XD
  5. minamino
    crinkletoes welcome thanks for joining so who else do you like from Inuyasha besides sessy who is loved by all of us
    xcc with pleasure dear anything for you
  6. sweetschelene
    hello everyone, any news on Sessy???
  7. xcc
    @sweetschelene, I found a way to satisfy my cravings for Sesshuoumaru's news.
    Well, I've been living in an alternative fanfiction universe for the last week. This fanfic authors had created a Sessy world which is fascinating. Addictive indeed. I have to made an effort to go back to write my own stuff. Here is the link to those places.
    @Mina, in the first link (blue) most stories are safe for you to read, the second (red) is 18+.


  8. crinkletoes
    @minamino: Naraku!! >D!!! who else...? Oh yeah and Miroku too ^_^!
  9. minamino
    xcc thanks for the new info i am really greatful thanks xcc youre the best
    oww Naraku yay love him to hmm but Miroku not so much he lurks after women to much i like Koga althow and Bankotsu to he is great and there are some more bad guys that i like but i dont remember the names now sorry
  10. xcc
    You're welcome Mina, I hope you can find a story you like. Sometimes it takes some digging, but it's worthy.
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