aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. minamino
    Jokin oww of course my dear as long as they are from Inuyasha anime we can include them hugs and kisses
  2. Jokin
    thanks, Roya-chan is my second favorite of course after Sesshy
    what do you think, will they continue the Inuyasha series? I mean the manga is out and still going, and the anime ended awkwardly....soooo THEY WILL, WON'T THEY??!!!!
    *gets panicked*
  3. xcc

    @Jokin, the manga is complete. Finally, after 558 chapters.
    BTW, I found much more fanfic devoted to Sesshoumaru than I would imagine could exists. In one site there are about 1895 differents stories about him. Sadly Mina, the place is for 18+, if you guys want the link just let me know. Some of these stories aren't about xmux, however, others are...wow, I was speechless. I doubt we ever see any of it animated.
  4. Jokin
    noooooooooooooooo!4! and how did it end? for sesshy I mean. and for everybody... put it in spoiler...
    anyway the anime did not.
  5. xcc
    @Jakin, I already did spoil it. Please check this link, it's to the social group some of us met, somehow it was how this group was born, I did a little resume of the last chapter of the manga (I think you need to join first)
    Vampire no Sekai
  6. Jokin
    great ending my dear
  7. minamino
    Jokin ow well we already talked about the ending of the manga hope althow it will continue the anime after the manga because it didnt had a very good ending personaly i didnt like it at all the ending was a little forced they didnt told us anything just that all of them continue to hunt Naraku and that made me more curious to see if they will get him anyway it had a stupid ending the anime i didnt thought it would end like that at all i was so dissapointed
    althow the anime end bad the manga ended well i like dthe ending they made:lovelove
    xcc well i will wait to be 18 then i will check it out to i will wait
  8. xcc
    @Mina, Yes, you better wait
  9. sweetschelene
    sorry guys i have been busy, dropping in to say hi
  10. minamino
    sweetschelene hello dear how are you??
    xcc i will wait i dont want to be band
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