aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. xcc
    Don't feel bad Mina, I've never heard of it either.
    Nice, we are learning everyday more!
  2. sweetschelene
    @mina I am fine sweetie how about you

    @xcc I am so glad that I did not mess it up I was worried about that hope you are doing well talk at you later

    @Fuu yes they are good the jap porn mov they are sometimes more explicit than america and better plot line, great shots to:
  3. minamino
    xcc yes we are my dear thanks for cheering me up
    sweetschelene fine but a little sad i dont have to many time anymore to come on the forum
  4. onyxpetals
    do you guys know if there's a yaoi fan fic for sesshomaru?
  5. maLadeiNe08
    hi~! everyone ^^

    ~> onyx: i've seen quite a few ^^ but its an incest heheh yeah with inuyasha ...
  6. minamino
    onyxpetals oww sorry i dont know i will cant check because i am underage i dont have 18 so i cant go in the fiction part sorry i cant help you
    ma-chan hello my dear how are you
  7. brave heart
    brave heart
    everyone how are you all
  8. onyxpetals
    maladeine > can you post a link?

    mina> that's ok, i don't want you breaking any rules, thanks though!

    shine> hello!
  9. brave heart
    brave heart
    @ony: hi my dear , how are you ?
  10. xcc
    Howdy everyone!
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