aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. minamino
    Fuu Henjin yes of course i would like to get ride of it
    onyxpetals hello my dear how are you?? what is with the rarr!
  2. Fuu Henjin
    Fuu Henjin
    Mmm... then lets play a game... or I have tons of japr0n you can download from my LJ *-*... pr0n always work xDDD
  3. xcc
    Hello everyone!
    @Mina, About the episode 104, I haven't see it yet. I'll tell you when I do.
  4. minamino
    xxc oky my dear i will wait for you when you see it please tell what you think or if you liked it
    Fuu Henjin owww what i dont understand i am dummy please say again
  5. onyxpetals
    mina > its for sesshomaru's sexyness!
  6. minamino
    oww now i understand you my dear yes he is very sexy
  7. sweetschelene
    hi everyone how are ya
  8. minamino
    sweetschelene hello well fine nobody is around but i am fine glad to talk to you so how are you my dear
  9. Fuu Henjin
    Fuu Henjin
    @mina: xDD... you didn't understand... let me explain you xD... japr0n is... japanese pornographic movies xDu ... I think that explains everything xDu....
  10. minamino
    oww didnt knew my dear sorry i really didnt knew
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