aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. captivated
    @chillipepper: i haven't read the manga. i want to but every time i go to the manga store and see all of the bright, beautiful volumes, i remember that i'm strapped for cash. yeah, i wonder if smoking in public at all will someday become illegal. in aus, its illegal to smoke in bars, restaurants, government facilities and most indoor businesses so it isn't so bad.
    katsbrainwarp: just off the top of my head theres yuki, dai (let dai), mookyul (totally captivated), soubi (loveless), usami and miyagi (junjou romantica). maybe cigarettes are some sort of dominance/power symbol?
  2. katsbrainwarp
    Captivated: I can never find any mangga that I want to read. It's even harder to find any Yaoi Manga. But they keep a stock of all the Popular little kiddy ones

    Smoking is pretty restrickted here too. Not as bad in my state as a lot of others, but I won't be surprised When it does become illegal to smoke in public.
  3. CrescentWind
    Hi ^^
    Gravitation's one of the first yaoi i watch/read and im still obsess with it <3
    Just cant get enough .__.
  4. captivated
    hi CrescentWind who is your favourite character? be sure to vote in this poll http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f228/t...ml#post1896426

    katsbrainwarp: i'll be glad when/if it is banned in public. so how do you get your hands on manga? on the net or sent by friends?
  5. katsbrainwarp
    CrescentWind: It was one of my firsts too. I loved how it was actually about LOVE and not just sex (not that I mind those).

    Captivated: saddly I don't have any yet. I love to read, but I've never really been into comic books (and that's what 've always thought about manga). It's only been recently that I've decided to try it, but I haven't found one that interests me. I haven't tried reading on line. I don't want to order from oline because I like to actually look at what I buy, to make sure it's what I really want. I'm not going to give up on the book stores. I might try to see if I can put in a request. I am a little afraid though, because most time books are better than the movies made about them. I don't want that to be the same for the Anime I LOVE SSSOOOO much.
  6. captivated
    katsbrainwarp: i've never been into comic books either but i'm hooked on manga. you should definitely try it i feel similarly about buying online, i'm always suspicious of getting jipped, but there are some good sites out there that are reliable. putting in a request is a good idea. maybe for a series like loveless? i'm suggesting that because its got shounen-ai and because the plot of the anime strays from the manga quite a lot (especially in later volumes) so you won't be disappointed by the manga being so much better if you want to find out if you like it before you request it, you could try reading it online.
  7. chillipepper
    @captivated: Well, I never bought a volume but I intend to when they start selling it here in CR... I heard they are planning to...
  8. katsbrainwarp
    Captivated: thank you for the advice. I might just have to start with loveless then, ecspecialy since I wasn't really into the anime all that much.
  9. captivated
    chillipepper: i hope they start selling loveless at a store near you soon! it is so addictive, i have withdrawal symptoms when there is a long wait between volumes.
    katsbrainwarp: my pleasure. i own the anime too but i bought it out of sheer love for the series and i enjoy the manga much more.
  10. believe09
    Kumagoro BEAM!!!
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