aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. chillipepper
    @kath_mandu: Thanks, even though it wasn't for me, I'm definitely gonna read it too...
    @captivated: You're welcome... I love making people happy... gives me a feeling I too can do a good thing... by the way, maybe I'll get paranoic... 8-DDD
    @ldb1987: What, there's gonna be a second season...???
  2. captivated
    @believe09: of course! i should have known. sakuma-san phrases are so recognisable..
    @kath_mandu: Pianissimo Butterfly is so sad, i'm nervous to finish it but i can't stop. this has got to be one of the best fanfics i've ever read.
    @chillipepper: i hope fairies bring you lots of happiness because you deserve it
  3. katsbrainwarp
    so I was re watching Gravitation last night and I found out that I have the same blood type as Yuki Eiri. It seems in almost all the animes I've watched people with AB blood are moody and uptight. I wonder where I went wrong???????
  4. captivated
    @kath_mandu: thank you so, so much. i just finished Pianissimo Butterfly. my eyes are still red from weeping. it was so beautiful. really, thank you. everyone please read it. if you can feel true love in a story, then it is through this one.
    @katsbrainwarp: you're blood type AB? i'm so jealous! you have the same as yuki, kyouya, honey. it doesn't mean you're moddy or uptight... but do you have a dark side?
  5. katsbrainwarp
    captivated: wow I think I have to read that fan_fic.
    I knew that about kyouya and Honey. I don't think I have a dark side, but all my friends tell me they can't wait for the day I go off on someone. I think me and Honey are AB+ (because we're nice and love sweets ) and Yuki and Kyouya are AB- because they have the dark side.
  6. chillipepper
    Honey isn't really moody and uptight... 8-DDD and Kyouya's not moody (btw, he's *mine*, muhahaha...), so I don't know about that rule... but sure I wouldn't want to be like Yuki... 8-DDD I hate smoking (that's probably why I couldn't be somebody's uke... I'd die...), I don't drink (not that I don't want to... I just didn't happen to find anything that would suit my taste...) but I'm pretty moody, that's true... 8-DDD
  7. katsbrainwarp
    I didn't say honey was moody. That's why he's AB+. And you have to admit (with very few exceptions) Kyouya's pretty cold.

    I've never smoked, I'm not a big drinker (I drink socially if I'm in the mood). But all the guys I've dated are smoking drunks. I guess oposites really do attract
  8. captivated
    ooo i don't know, what about honey after he first wakes up or when he doesn't get his sweets? that is definitely dark honey. yuki isn't so bad... i'm not sure i'm ready to even think about gravitation characters for a while. that fanfic really got to me. i drink socially but i don't smoke and i've never dated a smoker. i don't like it when my friends smoke. i know it is their choice though so i try not to ponder over it because if i do, i feel like i am watching them slowly kill themselves and that leads to all sorts of miserable thoughts. i wonder why so many semes smoke?
  9. chillipepper
    @katsbrainwarp: he's cold but not moody. And when we talk about opposites... well, hope it's not that much true because that would mean I'll live with someone who smokes and drinks. 8-DDD
    @captivated: I think Yuki is a little different in manga... I don't really wanna say worse though...
    as for the smokers... I don't really talk to those that much - well, they are killing me too... and it annoys me so I avoid them. I even made my own mom smoke outside...
  10. katsbrainwarp
    Captivated: Now that I think of alot of the semes smoke. I can name like 5 right off the top of my head.
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