aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. SexyRyu28
    @Jap: I'm good... lacking sleep but that's normal don't worry about your english, mine isn't the greatest. ( have a dictionary next to my PC)

    @sef: can't you buy it from amazon.com or directly from the book store?
  2. sef
    @sexy & foxy...amazon don't deliver directly to my country...I tried to get my friend to bring back from japan but it was confiscated at the airport
  3. onyxpetals
    gotta find gravi...
    gotta find gravi!
    gotta find graviiiiii!!

    here gravi gravi... i'll find you!
  4. SexyRyu28
    @sef: What?! Damn airport ppl... iwoul've had a fit. Where do you live?

    @onyx: Take deep breaths *hands onyx a paper bag* there there.
  5. sef
    @sexy:I live in Malaysia!!! I don't haf guts to fight if not I will be in headlines...
  6. SexyRyu28
    @sef: wow they're strict... I sould've been ther I would have Kumagoro beamed their a$$es
  7. Muraki3
    @ Foxytroy : i 100% agree :nod:
    he's a kind that can be Calm also Savage and sexy in the same time........*faints as usual*
  8. foxytroy
    @muraki: hmmmm yes.... and he behaves good and he talks very erotic when shuichi and him are making love.

    @sef: why, is it, like, no homosexual content allowed? u have a friend in japan and delivered the book to u? well, did he/she have the volume two also?

    @sexyryu: arse? hmmmm... let me guess, your british?
  9. SexyRyu28
    @foxy: No not british just that I can't get used to the new keyboard I edited the post.
  10. onyxpetals
    sexyryu, thanks for the paper bag.. i'm ok now...
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