aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

•∴¦Aarin HOCKEY Freaks¦∴•

  1. narda1234
    Happy New Year everyone
  2. Blue_Star
    Yeah you guys too^^; Been offline alot because of the holiday, but now after this weekend I'll be back on my normal routine. Watch out, I'll probably be plauging the group w/ weird pictures D:

    The winter classic was =_=' Maybe it would have been more interesting if it were teams I actually liked. Hope Carey's the starting goalie for the allstar gameXDDD
  3. Isan
    Yep Carey's starts for the allstar
    With his bf XDDD

    Boo Crosby being with them though
  4. Blue_Star
    Um, it's like all habs for the all-stars in the East*_*' Guess that their fans just care a bit moreXD Yeah, the Crosby and Malkin totally ruin it.
  5. Isan
    Yeah, Saku and Tanguay were in the top too but with all the cheating going on.......
  6. Honeykissfire
    Not too sure if folks in the States are carin' about the NHL allstar break with all these damn college bowl games goin' on they might be worn out....plus b-ball isn't really interesting so far this year... But Yay for Crosby and Malkin! Can't have it as an all habs thing now...none of my canes made it, pooh!
  7. Isan
    I would have liked Ovechkin a lot better than Crosby
    He deserved it a lot more too
  8. Blue_Star
    Yeah. It's a shame about Ovie and a lot of others too^^' Ah well, should still be funny what with the Priceasarek action going on and what not. I saw a commercial for the skills competition but I can't remember when it is o_o Nothing quite like watching nhl players get all showy & then messing up bigtimeXD
  9. Honeykissfire
    Yes, that is funny!
  10. narda1234
    it's now backwards. this is gonna take some getting used to. and we need to have a group icon to rid of that ugly question mark...

    Blue, Isan, Honey... I'm sure you'll find something that will quintessentially fit what our group is all about.

    In other words... I opt myself out for that job
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