aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Death Note

  1. Rukin
    they are cute, but like all smiley thingy's don't overuse them cause they'll get annoying >.<'
    though I'm not really one to talk, I have this habit of using a smiley thingy after every sentence to express the emotion I have on my face XD
  2. cuteRay08
    ..I just like using the onion heads when I can't express myself properly.. 0_0
  3. flagfish
    onion heads are like misa. Like that one down there that goes 'hi'? It's like that time when misa jumped on light in the street and all OMG LOL WTF HI LIGHTO and light was like...hate....misa...
  4. goddess8878
    I think in that particular scene...we were all like "Hate Misa".
  5. flagfish
    I'm like that with every scene with her.
  6. goddess8878
    I srsly almost threw up over the last episode. It's like stupid gross Misa fan service. Yuck...but, I'm having fun with Sidoh. He's such a dork.
  7. flagfish
    I need to find that hilarious thing on youtube I once saw the hilarious part of which was that at the end they did a cycled repeat sequence of sidoh dropping the dn on Mello's head set to The Hustle.
  8. goddess8878
    OMG...Yes you do need to find it. Mello+The Hustle will always always = pure epic win.
  9. xfangirlx
    ahhh misa is annoying .....if there are two girls i hate the most in anime its misa and sakura >_> i hate the spoilt brat types we need more rukia type girls! rukia is my hero .. ;P wish i could be like her ....anyway i dont really use onion heads intentionally i just type in something like this :like this: and it comes up >_> i prefer the ordinary ones they funny.
  10. Rukin
    @fangirl-chan: I agree, Misa and Sakura should just go to hell grmbl
    though I'm not such a fan of Rukia, she's cool ^^ but anything is better than Misa *shivers* I mean, how is it possible to be stupid in EVERY way? Take L for example, genius just not good with socializing. Light is almost the same scenario (he goes nuts at the end), Matsuda is stupid, but a cute dork so he's forgiven. Mello, Matt and Near all have their quirks, though Near is just obsessed with L to the point of annoying >.<' but he does have a cute face ^^ but Misa is just plain annoying Misa >.<'
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