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So.. Glambert Sex God is coming to Malaysia!

  1. Aamyra
    Yessssssssssss I'm going! I blew off half of my green packets (duit raya) to buy The Pitt ticket with my friend lmao. 2 MORE DAYS BABY!!!!

    Thanks Aarin!
  2. Hime-sama
    Yo guys...more news about Adam Lambert coming to Malaysia..and this time is about him agreeing to tone down his performance in Malaysia due to some protest and all >.>

    Adam Lambert Agrees to Tone Down His Performance in Malaysia Amid Protest

    October 12, 2010 02:12:41 GMT

    The protest comes from the country's opposition party which demanded Adam Lambert to cancel the concert because they believed his performance is 'not good' for people in the country.

    Adam Lambert will still go ahead with his concert in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia despite facing protest from Pan Malaysian Islamic Party. The opposition party demanded the Thursday, October 14 show to be canceled because they believe it is promoting "gay culture" in the mainly Muslim country.

    "Adam Lambert's shows...are outrageous, with lewd dancing and a gay performance that includes kissing male dancers, this is not good for people in our country," said PAS Youth leader Nasrudin Hasan. They even threatened to call "as many of its members and supporters" to proselytize to concertgoers if the gig still goes ahead.

    Lambert, who usually treats his fans with guy-on-guy action on stage, is not happy with that, but he agrees to tone down his performance. According to Malaysia's Arts, Culture and Heritage Ministry, he has signed a contract agreeing to abide by the Ministry's rules on performances which can require foreign performers to tone down their acts to suit local sensibilities.

    In a series of Twitter messages, the "American Idol" singer himself responds to the criticism, stating "While I don't believe that my glamnation tour is in any way offensive I have agreed to make a few minor adjustments out of respect for the Malaysian government. Looking forward to a fun show."

    "Does my show 'promote the gay lifestyle'? It promotes living ANY lifestyle that includes the freedom to seek love and intimacy. Gay, straight, bi, young or old. It's all inclusive," he continued. "Plus, what's THE gay lifestyle? There isn't just one. There are so many different kinds of gay people. We have a variety of different lifestyles. There's not only one lifestyle lived by straight folks. Generalizing...."

    Don't know how this will effect his concert and all this Thursday but I'm just so glad that Adam did not give up on his concert. It would be such a big disappointment if he did. ADAM!!! THANK YOU FOR NOT GIVING UP ON US MALAYSIAN FANS HERE!!! XD
  3. akayuki
    Lurker here but yeah I'm going too!XD...Will be on the left side of the stage [aerial view] so I guess we have all corners covered? LOL... Sigh I was a bit sad about how he was treated regarding the gay thing but not surprised... I hope we'll have a good show tomorrow night. Ps: Nice to meet u guys ^^
  4. Hime-sama
    Yesterday's Glam Nation Tour was a BLAST! Crowds went wild and really loved Adam! He sung so well and energetic! Adam is truly a first class entertainer and it was so worth going to his concert so me and my sister really glad we managed to go there. The only bad thing was that the stage was too small! SURELY ADAM DESERVES A BIGGER STAGE, RIGHT?
  5. Aamyra
    The stage was actually bigger than some other places! And the stadium fits 16k. The ground space was so packed I swear to god, and all the seating areas around the stadium was filled save for the 4 corners (not that I can blame them, you can't see **** from those corners)

    Here's a picture of the crowd I stole from Hot Mag.

    Anyways. Last night was too fantastic for words.

    ADAM WAS PHENOMENAL. He's a master in his own league, that much I can say. He hit those unbelievable notes, dude, his high keys, low keys, mid-range, everything was SUPERB. And the crowd was impressive in terms of number and showmanship. Even Adam couldn't stop cracking a smile every now and then.

    And the best thing is?

    Tommy himself tweeted this last night after the show: "The crowd tonight was SURREAL! holy ****!"

    Can you imagine all sort of crowds they've seen before? Yet we still managed to impress him. I was grinning from ear to ear last night when I saw his tweet! I feel like, you know, besides Adam and his tour crews and the band and the dancers being so epic amazing that is, the crowd wanted to let them know what Malaysia is not made of only PAS and some narrow-minded bunch. Just like not everyone accepts homosexuality here, not everyone loves homosexuality in the US as well as everywhere in this world. But what matters is looking at the positive side, Adam said so himself. And it's so absurd because this concert was NOT about homosexuality. And before the concert he already made it clear that his priority is to give his fans one hell of an experience (that he did) and to have fun. Boy, did he!

    AND GUESS WHAT GUYS!!!!!!!!!! HE WAS SO UP CLOSE TO WHERE I STOOD! I was like at the 2nd or 3rd row at the Pitt. Can you imagine? I could see his expressions, EVERYTHING. Everything was so worth it. AH.
  6. akayuki
    Truly glad that Adam has so much love and support here. The highlight of the concert for me were the slow ballads...You could hear him better and his voice was so haunting...I melted into a puddle of goo. XD Yea definitely worth it. I need a "Live in Malaysia" DVD now please LOL
  7. Hime-sama
    Aamyra@: Lucky you get to view everything since you were right in front stage. Please upload any pics if you have any...as for me I'm at the right side of the stage at the L7 block. We can still see but not as much as I'd hope for especially if Adam went a bit further back of the stage. For me the stage is still small compared to other concerts held.

    akayuki@: Yeah! Adam's voice in real life is so much better than watching him on vids so me and my sister was really really happy! And I'm sure other fans felt the same way as well. Hope Adam can come to Malaysia again...maybe for his next new album
  8. akayuki
    Lol Hime-sama I share your pain...Was in L17 which is directly opposite you; so when he went and sat down further back, I was chanting "Come to the front, come to the front".XD And there was once when the side lights kept shining towards our area in a regular interval. >_< ;;
    Sidetracking: Malaysians are simple people who are easily entertained by gigantic Digi airballs hahaha
  9. Aamyra
    HAHAHAHA. They did it to distract us, I swear. Because everyone was basically shaking in impatience. And shockingly, the two opening acts were pretty damn cool! That first guy, dude, his dance moves! He was such a cutie!

    I'll upload pictures you guys!
  10. Hime-sama
    akayuki@: hehe...yeah I kinda laugh when people got hype with the digi giant balloons XP I even saw Adam's tech guys laughing at this...lol

    Aamyra@: I don't like the opening acts much since I don't know them but at least they keep us entertained for a while.

    Did any of you guys bought the Glambox edition ? I didn't managed to get a copy at the concert...it was sold out by the time I wanted to get one...so I had to order online from Sony...only manage to acquire the Tour edition
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