aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Malaysian Fans!

  1. valkyriensz
    @hime & lovebishies == *gimme 10 cheezy!* there's one langugae center which is nearer to my house charges the part time class same as the full time class' fee: RM400++ so i decided to join ICLS...even my friend from Kajang who introduced me ICLS told me she chose it coz it's cheaper than the one @ her home too ^^v

    @cheezy == oh? which class is those friend of ur brother's n yours r taking? i might be bumped into them if they're taking one on Saturdays, 11am-1pm ^^' *LOLs @ 'Aarin forumer' sign*<<<imagining it that we wears the signs with uniform cap XD XDD
  2. iruka92
    I just uploaded my first OST... *such a torment considering our country's sad connection* .. xDD But ~ ~ I earned 1 point of reputation.. How fun ~ and my first 250 points!! (soon) ~ Tee hee...

    Omg.. Such A noob.. , me... .. So, what about the meeting? Can I join??!! (even though I'm like.. 16?)
  3. lovebishies
    @everyone:yeah can i join the mini gathering too? @cheezy:lol no i will take SPM next year xD
  4. Chikaru
    HYEZ, people!!! Been so long since I step into this place and the last post I made was in page 41 which was two months ago. That's long. Been busy with my 2nd term exam. *sigh* Anyway, glad that this place is ALIVE! I practically read everything from my last post till here. Found a lot of interesting infos.

    Too bad I won't be able to attend the CF this year. I thought I could finally go but change of plan. So, hopefully I would be able to go next year...

    I did joined Japanese class early this year but I had to quit because of my studies at West M'sia. So, I studied only for a few months. I brought my textbooks to my uni though.
  5. sef
    @everyone: Until 7pm........Aarin banner XD~ I can't imagine...I will let you guys know again. I so wanted to join *happy*....
  6. valkyriensz
    iyaaah!!! suddenly i feel so pumped up about the gathering >__< gotta drag along one of my devoted yaoi buddies ^^/

    @sef == what did u mean about "until 7 pm"? izzit the gathering or CF? >w<
  7. suicidal_yaoilove
    mina. ^^
    o.O when is the mini gathering?? i'll be going to CF too ^^
    But most probably on 21st-Sunday.
    pls let there be a mini gathering on 21st too. onegai.
  8. iruka92
    @suicidal_yaoilove - It'll be on the 20th but I'm not sure when.. (at least that was what I think they said...) LOL.
  9. srhadm
    hi evryone. there wont be any gathering on 21st? coz it's impossible for me to make it on 20th. *sobs*
  10. valkyriensz
    @all == i thought somebody (sef or cheezy) mentioned to do gathering on both days? ^^ we'll confirm with them later ne, ne? don't be sad~
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