aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Malaysian Fans!

  1. aarinfantasy
    Hehe~ Thanks Rage
    Oh well, I guess I got no choice but to look at VF scanlations >.<
  2. Hime-sama
    Where can get VF scanlations ? All this talk of VF makes me want to read the manga again X3
  3. Rage78
    @Hime-sama & Aarin - You can find VF scanlations at club_sion and ayane yamano community on the LJ. Enjoy~ but make sure to have someone watch over you lest you two bleed out from spontaneous nose bleeds. XD

    @ Aarin - there is one more mangaka you can try, Shin Mizukami. Her characters don't look like your typical bishies that we usu. see. Her characters are VERY oriental looking. She seems to have a fondness for long, long time ago and supernatural settings instead of the present modern day setting.

    Her storylines has its dark moments - I'd love to ask you to try all her works LOL! They are seriously that good, IMHO.

    But for now try these few if you want angst, darkness.
    1. Aigan Shounen - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=11500

    2. Kudan no Kuroneko - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=11030 (wasn't sure if this would be considered angst or not but it's got it's idiotic and dark moments)

    3. Mada Koi Towa Shirazu ni - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=4755

    4. Rikara - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=1651 (This one shocked me when I read it. You'll see why when you read it)

    5. Our Previous Existence - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=2330

    If you want comedy romance, this should be the ones you can try heehee

    1. Koi No Tsubo - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=2331

    2. Koutetsu no Daitenshi - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=13604

    3. Rikugun Renai Shikan Gakkou - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=27371

    4. Shinyuu Henjou - http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=475

    Oops! I think I've just about recommended almost all her works...gomen, but seriously they are good..I'd buy her works based on the strength of her name alone.

    I seem to recall more and more titles you can try..gomen gomen for being nuisance

    Try also Makoto Tateno's Yellow and Hero Heel.

    I think I better stop here.
  4. Hime-sama
    Thank you Rage! You sure know a lot. I mostly read all the scanlations available but I have trouble remembering the titles/ mangaka/ characters name etc...you see I have bad memory >_<
  5. dreamer06
    Hi everyone. I'm new to this group & also from Malaysia. Nice to meet you all...
  6. sef
    Welcome dreamer! *hugs & kisses*

    @silvis~ good luck to you! Score well!

    @Rage: I second you! My gosh. Gravitation is the culprit which bring me into the world of yaoi! And, it's the 1st collection of complete manga I bought!
    I didn't know AT would help you to order manga? I try pestering them to do so but it seem like they don't want to accept my request .
    Oh, and you are right about the 4th novel for OTRFK! And, *thumbs-up* for Time Lag too!
    And, I really should address you as sempai *my god, "read all the previous post"- you are really so well info about all the yaoi stuff*
    Rage, btw...are you a fan of TC? I'm trying to find translated version...I don't understand a single word in Korean

    @Aarin: I think the cheapest you can obtain is from our local borders and Kino- but I'm very sure that Kino had stopped bringing in all the yaoi stuff! You should buy OTRFK- the stories really sweet and mild- it's a must buy item! You should check your Penang borders- my friend told me the stocks still available. If not, borders can help you to do books transfer if it is still available in other branch!
    Well, I should join you to read VF as well. Many other forumers recomended me as well!

    @Hime: I guess it's not only you having trouble to remember all the titles/ mangaka as well

    Anyway, I'm trying to get my friend to help me bring back some manga from Australia. Exchange rate of aussie is cheaper and I can save some shipment fees. But i have to check with some of the Australian forumers first! wish me luck!
  7. ~silvis~
    @Rage: omg Makoto Tateno's Yellow is ♥♥ but woah thats a lot of manga there!
    @sef: TC?! As in Totally Captivated?! omg I love that manga! lol I shipped books that I ordered from Amazon to my friend in aus for her to bring it back to me when she visits.

    Welcome dreamer!
  8. aarinfantasy
    Welcome dreamer06~~~

    Thanks everyone, I will check the titles out and the recommended methods.

    Ahh... I feel like drinking coffee now >.< So tired easily~
    Me likes the instant Oldtown Hazelnut Coffee (recommended! XD Buy it from supermarkets if you like coffee).
  9. Rage78
    Welcome, welcome dreamer06! Hope you enjoy yourself here.

    @Hime-sama - ^^; I don't really know that much and I do have problems remembering the titles. Most times I remember the storyline vaguely and have had to ask around if anyone remembers reading something like it LOL! I guess it helps to remember if you really like the mangaka =)

    @sef - I don't know about AT's policy now but back then, you can ask them to special order for you and you have to pay 10% deposit of the order value. They started doing this coz I guess too many people were doing the order and run thing. The last time I was there, someone ordered a lot of Tsubasa Chronicle mangas and talking to the staff there, I found out the fella never came to pick it up. When did you pester them to order for you? They definitely won't be bringing in yaoi manga for you I think. I saw their website sometime back and I couldn't find yaoi mangas.

    Ah, you don't have to address me as senpai LOL! I'm not that knowledgeable - plenty of other ppl in the forum know more than I do. I have scanlated copies of TC but I don't really know for sure how updated mine are and I'm ashamed to say, I haven't even started reading a single chapter yet - just collecting them as they are released..but I'll give it a try during the weekend.

    To be honest, manhwa art takes a lil getting used to. I remember how I disliked The Summit because of the art style. The characters looked weird but after a while I got used to it and enjoyed reading scanlated copies of The Summit. Then it got licensed...sobs sobs sobs

    @Aarin - If you need any of the ahem, licensed titles or something let me know. I have all the titles (scanlated version) that I've mentioned to you..except Yellow. I only have one volume of Kabuki though..so if you wanna give it a try before you buy the real thing, let me know.

    I'm not much of a coffee drinker. I only drink that as a last resort. I think I'm caffeine-challenged.I can take light ones like the Nescafe 3-in-1 kind but anything purer and stronger will make me shake all over and vomit. Is the Oldtown Hazelnut Coffee very strong? If not, then I think I'd give it a try.

    Hope you'll feel better soon.
  10. aarinfantasy
    @Rage78: Hehe, ok thanks for the offer on the scanlations... do you keep a list of it? If not I will PM you XD.

    That coffee I mentioned smells really Hazelnut-tasty but it's a strong coffee (my mom told me it's like Nescafe 3-in-1 strong)... I am addicted to it since I started working. Well, I am not a smoker or alcoholic, so coffee is the "addict" substance I am taking (not counting Yaoi/BL addiction of course lol). I don't drink everyday though, which is good... but when I think about it, I will tend to get it.
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