aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Comic Fiesta 2009

  1. Aamyra
    Is anybody going? \o/
  2. valkyriensz
    Only able to attend tomorrow...Am gonna grab Hetalia's cookies from Kidchan's booth >__< looks tasty but too cute to eat them OAO'

    These are the samples done by Annachuu (Kidchan's friend)...She made them as for Christmas cookies

    >>>Hetalia Cookies Unfinish Sample 1<<<

    >>>Hetalia Cookies Finished Sample<<<(probably a whole box set that she's selling)
  3. Aamyra
    Lmao, I saw! Looks good no? I don't think I'd have the heart to eat them LOL.

    I'm going after them doujins.
  4. lovebishies
    Thanks to SPM, I didn't remembered a thing about it. Next thing I knew months has passed and I missed it T^T

    EDIT: The cookies were super cute! I wish I had come!!
  5. tsuzuki89
    Hahahaha so weird to see my cookies here! I'm planning to make more this year

    Kinda late to the party, but here's my CF report (split to two):
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