aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Drunkards Lounge (18+)

  1. VisualCloud
    XD does falling over count as excerise? i mean, you're moving and all n__n xD
  2. Hellbreed
    Im the master of falling!! I'm so good at it that I do it when I´m sober too XD
    Once I fall so bad in a stair at work, hit my ass so I had to see a doctor and shove it to him... (he was a good lookin' doctor too)
    For some weeks ago, my chair crashed while I was sitting on it (yes, I was very drunk) and hit the same side of the but again ><;;

    Mm... sitting here with a freakin' good Pinot Noir-wine from Australia named ''Little Rebel''. Isn't that name too cute?! XD
    This time... I'm NOT gonna fall!
  3. VisualCloud

    i was sooo drunk last saturday i can only vagully remember things but i remember we played this game like musical chairs, except you only swap chairs if the person in the middle says a statment thats true about you, so i ran around on "big wind blows for anyone who's drunk" and finally got to a chair...promptly toppled off of it and sat in the middle of my mates garden in hysterics o.o
  4. cassiel
    That game sounds like fun, VisualCloud!
  5. VisualCloud
    XD it was ... i think
    No seriously! it was great fun. I was so out of my head one of the statements was "Big wind blows for anyone who is wearing pink" and i was wearing a pink belt but i had forgotten about it and insisted i didn't have to run, but i had to and ended up in the middle
  6. Hellbreed
    So... have you guys ever done something REAL embarrasing when you were totally drunk?? O_o

    Let us all in here hear some very, very crazy stories now... XD
  7. VisualCloud
    uh well REAL Embarrasing for me is::
    I was 14 and i was incrediably drunk at a party that my parents were at. And i ended up making out with this really hot guy who was 20....might have been a bit older than that i don't really remember. Anyway, my mom came over and said really loudly "Will you put my daughter down?" and after we broke apart, i was majorly embrarrassed by that because a lot of people turned around. But i made it worse by turning to him and saying "oh what was your name anyway?"
  8. Hellbreed
    Oh! Welcome to us, bloodropsss XD
  9. 1000bloodropsss
    hello...! XD
  10. VisualCloud
    Hangover cures?
    i had one hell of a hangover this morning DX
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