aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Drunkards Lounge (18+)

  1. Hellbreed
    WOHOO!!!! Friday at last ^^
    Now I´m gonna hit the shower, get dressed, pour a glas of australian red whine and put on some make up. Tonight I´m going to the pub to see some local rockbands live!!
    You guys have a nice weekend too, ok?!
    See ya ^^
  2. VisualCloud
    Agh last night i was so plastered, i don't remember a lot xD
    and my trick?
    well we were at a house party so obviousy the alcohol is fairly limited so i just got a party cup and filled it to the top with whatever bottle i got my hands on
    XD good idea at first, not such a good idea this morning ^o~ XD
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Well it's usually pretty easy to avoid a hang over. Before going to bed, eat something to absorb the liquor, like bread, drink LOTS of water (can't drink too much), and take some aspirin or ibuprofen and some peptobismal.
  4. cassiel
    WOW! We've grown! Yay! Welcome everyone!

    Actually, I personally wouldn't go down the aspirin straight after drinking route. (Though I think the rest of your advice is really good. Especially the eating and drinking bit.) I'd rather be a little overcautious about mixing painkillers and alcohol. (Remember, Hellbreed?)

    However, the day after it's very nice to have some "fizzy-good-make-feel-nice", in the immortal words of Bernard Black.

    @Hellbreed; You know I've never been much for beer... though give me a good Stout or Ale and we're in business!

    Now... it's Tuesday(?)... noon... I crawled out of bed about 30 minutes ago (I'm going to do some work in a little while, honestly!)... I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee, a lovely bacon sandwich and a bottle of Haute Cotes de Nuits Bourgogne (A little expensive but very nice)... Ahh, the life of a hedonist is hard indeed. ^_^
  5. Hellbreed
    Ugh, I remember, Cassiel. (We´re talking about the schooltrip now, aren´t we?) ><;;
  6. cassiel
    Indeed we are m'dear. ^_^ That was... a very "special" little trip, wasn't it.... shampoo-flavored vodka. Yuck!
  7. Hellbreed
    That wasn´t the best drink I´ve had in my days... I´m only glad that I survived that sh*t!!
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I haven't ever had any adverse effects from taking a couple ibuprofen after a night of drinking. Now you don't want to take prescription meds or anything like that ... er, lay of the Ambien, for instance.

    If you have had so much to drink that a single aspirin is going to send you to the hospital, I seriously doubt there is a hang over remedy that could actually do you any good lol
  9. schetenei
    Another thing against hangovers: don't immediately go to bed, do some exercises (well, you prolly risk some accidents)
  10. Hellbreed
    LOL! Drunkie-exercises XD
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