aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Drunkards Lounge (18+)

  1. VisualCloud
    aftershock is like aniseed really. apparently after three shots you are supposed to hallucinate but i drank half a big bottle of the stuff and all i did was black out for a bit hehe
    i've never tried Tequila shots before and i refuse to have neat vodka again XDDD

    @moon-chan: yeah Whiskey is good!!! but only when i'm already drunk hehehe
  2. Hellbreed
    @Visual: Wow, I really have to try aftershock then... Sounds exciting XD
    So... did U get drunk as expected?? XD

    Sitting here with a BIIG glas of south african white wine, need to find some inspiration to write about a smexii love/sex scene with boys...
    GAHH!! Damn, need some more wine... to bad that the box is empty, D'OH ><;;
  3. cassiel
    Aftershock is usually too sickly for me... It has several flavours actually, not just aniseed, there are a few interesting cocktails one can make from Aftershock.
    (You're supposed to hallucinate from 3 shots of Aftershock??? Where did you hear that? Are you sure you're not thinking about Absinthe there?)

    Whisky is good... but you drink whisky because it tastes jolly nice, not to get drunk. (...and no American rubbish... proper Scottish whisky.) Oh, I was at Systemet (Swedish alcohol shop.) the other day and they had this 21 year old "Glenlivet archive"... Cassiel WAAANT!!! (Too expensive though *sigh*)
  4. Hellbreed
    Ey cassiel!! DonĀ“t complain on the american stuff, they does the best whiskey!! XD
    (At lest I think.. Mm Jim Beam & JD)
  5. cassiel
    Nooo, they make dreadful stuff... (I prefer whisky to whiskey.)
    Imagine leaning back in an armchair with a nice tumbler of smooth, rich, oaky, lovely, golden scottish whisky with a few pieces of ice clinking against the glass... Mmmmmm!

    Compare that to a JD... coarse and rough... really only fit for mixes or when one is already drunk. Tsk, tsk, tsk!

    But then again... taste varies. ^_^
  6. Hellbreed
    Unfortunatly, My stomache can&#180;t handle so much whiskey nowadays... And that makes me saaad...

    Tonight I gonna drink some Jamaican beer, Red Stripe. My new favourite ^^
  7. VisualCloud
    @cassiel: no i got told that by barman -shrug- it never happens to me though, i normally pass out on the stuff XD i haven't tried absinthe yet but i want to >o<

    @hellbreed: NO !!! -cries lots- i was sat in a noodle bar on Jack Daniels and Coke, stole some of my friends beer and spent the rest of my night walking to the other side of town instead. Ah well, i can get drunk another time i guess. i can make an excuse! hehe
  8. Hellbreed
    Well... I just bought Absolute vodka pear... does anyone have any drinksuggestions?? I thought that it maybe tastes good with sprite or something...
  9. schetenei
    vodka, absolutely with some redbul *yum*
  10. Hellbreed
    Yaay!! A new member XD
    Hi there LadyS -^_^-
    And BTW... welcome to Aarin!
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