aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

MYV <3 miyavi fans

  1. frekyzeex
    i know that xDD *drool* xp
  2. frekyzeex
    btw...anyone know why its called a prince albert? o.O lol
  3. ItachiRules
    ^_^ LOL .. i like secrets.. and yes kabuki danshi (kavki boiz) makes me all jumpy all the time..
  4. frekyzeex
    lol i love the song just makes ya wanna dance ^^ hehe.
  5. ItachiRules
    Now we shall unite..! I can't sing along -cries- nonetheless its still cool
  6. frekyzeex
    lol i know some words x3 we can both sing along terribly and dance xDD
  7. ItachiRules
    ^_^ Hurray we should just tape ourselves LOL i wanna do that for sure
  8. HentaiHanyou
    Hi, I'm new ^_^

    You know what I love most about Miyavi? His ability to transcend music genres. He can go from being all Pop, to hardcore JRock and now he's doing his funk/hip hop thing. And through it all, he manages to be wonderful and fun and sincere ^_^

    What do you like most about Miyavi, fellow members?

  9. frekyzeex
    welcome hentaihanyou ^^ i totally agree! normally my taste in music genres is very specific but with meevster > love everything he's done. fist album > owned was the miyavuita one which is kinda soft acoustic. i love the new album most though it's so lively and energetic but not normally the sort of music i'd listen to x
  10. HentaiHanyou
    I'm sorry, did you just call him Meevster? XD LMAO!!! Wow, that's a new one! I love it!
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