aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. Erian
    @Artemis Moonsong: lol, am I that easy to forget? haha
    am working hard on a RenBya picture myself now ^^ got inspired I guess :P
    problem is... I've never drawn a yaoi-picture before and keep freaking out at every single noise cause I'm afraid my dad will burst in while I'm bending over a pic of two guys devouring each other
  2. Sasheenka
    That is some of the most beautiful RenBya art I've ever seen! I hope you draw many more!!! I just ADORE when someone is able to capture the essence of this couple so perfectly! I mean, you were talking about girly Byakuya, but he's not girly at all! He's AMAZING!
    thank you so much! I feel really honored hearing that from you
    for some reason for me it's rather easy to draw Renji, but I always worry about Byakuya, lol.

    it was a sudden flood of inspiration...I hope I'll be able to draw more....but usually I produce something and then it takes like half a year until a new inspiration comes. I also wanted to draw a GinKira picture...and now I've started writing an original fiction....gah gah, so many things to do...however, I hope more renbya pictures will come XD

    on a side note...
    I had a dream with Renji and Byakuya in it....but Byakuya was, for some unknown reason, worried about Ichigo...and Renji was jealous, lol.
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    @Artemis Moonsong: lol, am I that easy to forget? haha
    Not at all! It's just, I may have the body of a 28 year old woman, but I have the mind of an 88 year old man So I forget things easily

    Your dad comes into your room without knocking?! Hmm ... my dad was a tyrant when I was growing up; he once actually punched a hole in my door But when I was 18ish, he did finally allow me to close my bedroom door, and he would have to knock before coming in ... he didn't have to wait for my permission! But at least I had warning

    I had a dream with Renji and Byakuya in it....but Byakuya was, for some unknown reason, worried about Ichigo...and Renji was jealous, lol.
    That dream is genius

    I've never had a RenBya dream I had a GinZura (from Gintama) dream, but no other favorite pairing. Gosh ... tell me more!!! Was Byakuya just beautiful in it?? Were you "in" it or just observing? In my GinZura dream, I was Gintoki I also had an Earthian dream where I was Kagetsuya
  4. Sasheenka
    Were you "in" it or just observing?
    I think I was just observing...I'm not in my own dreams quite often, lol, but I'm not complaining when it includes hot men XD

    Was Byakuya just beautiful in it??
    hahaha, Byakuya is always beautiful, is he not? (well, sometimes he's also scary, but heh)

    I've never had a RenBya dream
    I guess my adorable renbya pillow helped me dream about them, you should get one too!
  5. ghostraven
    I guess my adorable renbya pillow helped me dream about them, you should get one too!

    *whistles innocently*

    i think i once had a dream about the two, but then my alarm clock went off and i forgot everything about the dream when i woke, apart from the fact that both were in it... talk about frustrating
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Erian ~ Holy shmoly!! You're in THIS Group AND the DC thread as well?! I'm soooo sorry; I'm just THAT BAD at remembering and recognizing names! I just sent you a VM not even realizing you were the Erian from here!!
  7. Erian
    @Artemis: XD no worries I don't get offended easily and I have to say it's quite amusing
    *reads the above* ... what the...? why am I using stuffy language? XD I've been writing too much OHSHC fanfics lol Ootori Kyouya always acts so polite when he's threatening you :P
    @Shasheenka: why don't I ever have dreams about Bya-chan?! *wails*
    I did have one about the guys from Sukitomo together but that's more cute than sexy XD
    and yayz my parents are out of town! *pulls out sketchbook and pencils*
  8. Liliyes
    OMFG >-<
    #must join#

    I love ByaXren
  9. LULI12
    hot hot hot!!!! RenxBya for life!!!
  10. Erian
    lol welcome to new members
    I think you'll fit right in ^^
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