aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Valky ~ Yeah I love that pic, and I commented on it XDDD Shattered was the first to show it to me; we sat and fangasmed over it for like ten minutes

    Yusu ~ Is that directed to everyone? Favorite Renji moment ... Will I be punched in the face if I say .... THE WHITTLING SCENE?!?!?!
  2. Yusuichi
    @ Artemis - it certainly was directed at all on here! ^ ^ and the whittling scene is one of the best!!!
    Which scene do you think Renji is kinkiest???
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    er ... kinky? I don't think he's ever "kinky." I mean, nothing comes to mind But I don't usually think of such things.
  4. valkyriensz
    araa...i don't have any renji's fave episodes coz every time i watch bleach, i'm so much anticipating for byakuya's nobly glorious scenes ^____^ i wanna give him my "gyaaa"s as much as he needs XD XD XD
  5. Yusuichi
    Byakuya's such a moody guy, I think Renji could help him relax a bit....if you know what I mean. ^ ^
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Yeah to be honest I'm more of a Byakuya fangirl XDD Although I love Renji to pieces!!
  7. Yusuichi
    @ Artemis - it's his moody ways that got you interested in him, isn't it? I like his general demeanour of being moody - he makes for a different captain really - one who looks like he's prissy with the clothes he wears and won't go out if its raining in case it damages his long, lovely hair.
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Yes LOL I love him b/c he's such a ... such a GIRL! *sorry, Taichou!* But that's what makes him so precious XDD

    He is just such a great character over all. His dark past that he can't seem to get over ... how cold he seems on the outside, yet how warm his heart is (Kubo said it, not me!). He is just fabulous. He has so much depth, you know?
  9. valkyriensz
    n usually anime characters like our so called cold-hearted taichou is much more cute if something funny or stupid happens to him...just look @ those shinigami zukans ^^ hehehe! not only his moody ways, everything about him from head to toe is so...*swoons* i dunno how to express anymore, only u guys know better XD

    @artemis == gimme 10! *LOL*...yeah, he's such a girl...suddenly i recalled the funny scenes during hueco mundo arc when renji & rukia appeared & helping ichigo...then ichigo asked them what's with the cape...i was like: "aaww...bya taichou is so kind & caring (despite his outer look)"...pffft! *roflmao*

    anyway, i like byakuya's words style too...so anciently noble yet so sharp & arrogant ^^' poor ichigo...u know the scene after he asked about the cape - was it rukia or renji sent byakuya's words condemning ichigo? XD XD XD then ichigo pissed off...hehehee!
  10. Yusuichi
    @ Artemis - yeah he does have a lot of soul, Byakuya - even if he does not want to show it at first even to Rukia or Ichigo - but I dare say he'll show it to Renji if he's given enough opportunity!

    He is girly too - it's that long hair of his - he should be doing hair commercials.
    I could just see it now.... "because I'm worth it..." hehehehehe!
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