aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I can't believe you guys have never seen Enka Star!Byakuya!! OMG he's so prissy in that one He's like, I WANT MY OWN DRESSING ROOM!! WAGH! Btw, there is an English translation somewhere, you just have to search for it (just in case anybody doesn't speak Japanese, like me ).
  2. valkyriensz
    @artemis moonsong
    i've watched the enka clip longtime ago but couldn't find the exact scene when i was watching bleach sonic soul seiyuu event ' somebody mentioned it was a fan service during the event 2005...oh well, i managed to find the subtitled clip & downloaded it as my precious byakuya's funny moments ^^ heehee

    @yusuichi, tetsu & everyone
    if u wish to view all those funny clips, just click @ the list i've listed below in my prev. post ^^ *peace*
  3. Yusuichi
    @ Artemis - I saw that one and a few more on youtube and thought they were amazing.
    Byakuya is so cuddly, you just want to gather him in your arms and hit him with yer best bankai! I loved the bit where he is amazed at all the fans - such a good one that.

    @ valkyeriensz - thanks for that - it was such fun and will check the rest of the clips out too.
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Oh and while you're at youtube, you guys may as well check out the awesome AMVs we posted *points up* XD The first is a comedy, but the second will probably make you sigh and wipe away a few tears
  5. Yusuichi
    I had a good look at the three you posted up - byakuya's manor is funny as hell!
    Bleach the best part of episode 139 is brilliant too! - getting to see Renji with his shirt off was a real thrill!

    @Artemis -will have a look at the amvs. Thanks.
  6. valkyriensz
    @artemis === i love the 1st one!!! *squee!* be my bad boy huh, what a 'deep meaning' phrase XD XD XD when the clip showed the ep.63 which renji was staying with byakuya after the SS battles, it brings me back memories...dat time i was like frustrated coz ichigo interrupted >.<' baka ichigo! u ruined renji's precious time of his confession towards bya-kun *stomps* anyway, i quite satisfied to see byakuya's surprised expression when ichigo was yelling through the opened window ^o^/ again, byakuya's eyes were like a nekochan's!! XD
  7. shattered
    The whittling scene again! Yes I agree, baka Ichigo! Renji was about to same something nice! To his Taichou!
  8. Aphotic
    @Artemis: Sorry for the late reply, hehe~ And new best friend? Sounds peechy-keen to me! But yes, a blushing Bya-hime is the best Bya-hime. XD I could totally see it being unexpected too, Renji oblivious to what he said and/or did and suddenly seeing the faintest of blushes perk upon Bya-hime's cheeks. KODAK MOMENT! XD;

    @Valk: Thank you for the welcome! n__n
  9. valkyriensz
    ^^ no problem aphotic! *give 10 to shattered* totally agree with u!!! if only ichigo hadn't barge in & yelling, renji would probably blurt out some nice words that enlighten our yaoi love towards him n byakuya! >___<' *sigh* poor taichou been left out blur by renji in d scene (or probably he was anticipating it too like us) ^o^

    have u guys seen byakuya's new pic drawn by yanagoya in aarin's gallery? d pic really makes me squealing @ his smexiness with the golden hair clamper & gorgeous taichou outfit!
  10. Yusuichi
    Hi Aphotic. Renji is the comic one in the pairing while Byaki boy is the very serious one, so they do go well together.
    Tell me, what is your favourite Renji episode?
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