aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Oh my! FRICKIN BEAUTIFUL coloring job! Whoa. They have penii. Totally didn't see that in the original

    Love Renji's braided hair *swoons*
  2. blaqkfire
    I sure noticed that in the original. I guess I've been penii deprived lately.
  3. annieroo2
    Truly stunning artwork!
  4. blaqkfire
    Hello anyone out there? I could use some new Ren x Bya, or even Bya X Ren to cheer me up. Anything: fiction, art, discussion etc. After 30 years of marriage, my husband emailed me to let me know that he had moved out of the house. I've been too depressed to even read any yaoi, but was hoping someone had something new featuring my favorite boys.
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I left you a Profile Message ...

    Sorry I haven't encountered any new fics ... shattered is the doujin queen though! I haven't even started on the next chappie of my own fic. I am just too busy these days. I barely even get around to reading the manga each week

    But of course we could also simply have a good old fashioned RenBya or ByaRen discussion
  6. valkyriensz
    hullo! it's been a while i haven't posted here coz i was bz fussing over in malaysian yaoi fan group XD i've posted a cute eye candy of chibi renji n byakuya XD XD XD perhaps they are heading for a honeymoon leave...look how blissful+enthusiastic renji is! but bya-kun's kinda...worried? poor thing, thinking he'll get screwed roughly by renji huh? (i'm going for RenBya forever!!!) mwuahahahahaa!

    p.s: those pics i've posted are not originally drawn by me ^^'
  7. Tetsu
    Hi and new here. Just have to say this pairing is one of my favs!!
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Oh, Valky, you're pro-RenBya?! Be my new best friend?

    And I loooooove that cute pic! I have made it into an icon for my LJ. It's just so adorable. Really, the thought of Renji convincing Taichou to go on vacation with him is just *squeee!!*

    Hiya Tetsu! I'm glad to hear that It's one of my favs, too Maybe THE fave for me. Do you have a favorite 6th Division "moment"?
  9. valkyriensz
    @artemis moonsong
    nyuuuu X3 certainly wanna be 1 of ur best friends, i'll request friend to u later k!!! *kiss kiss hug hug back* XD XD XD hahahaa! say, u're also pro-RenBya like me?? ^o^/ yeay!! nakama da ze! *evil laughs* oh! u're using the pic as ur LJ avatar? XD be my guest! spread the RenBya love to other fans ^^ heeheehee
  10. Yusuichi
    Hi ArtemisMoonsong and everyone on here!
    - thanks for inviting me here - I love the artwork - especially the Renji ones!
    I'd love to write a fic about how another of the 6th division gets to tell the tale of how he sees how Renji's tattoos go all the way down!
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