aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOL I hate the height rule, too, and all those other dumb fangirl rules Now whether you prefer seme!Bya or uke!Bya, there's one thing I don't wanna read: Byakuya carrying Renji *barf* Well, because, it just looks ridiculous I read it in a fic recently and it was like I had to take my brain out to actually comprehend that happening.

    I don't think I've ever written whiny Renji ... I hope not I've maybe read it a couple times, like in Love's Labors Misinterpreted, but he's not really whining there, just bumbling about in typical male fashion, trying to woo his love interest.

    I think as long as they're not ooc, I'm happy with a story. To me, it's hard to write ic Byakuya as seme, but hey, it's doable! And to some it's hard to see him as uke without being ooc. But that's because we all interpret his character differently Regardless, we all love him, top, bottom, or sideways
  2. shattered
    but i can't ever imagine byakuya doing a 69 no matter how ooc
  3. arinna
    *massive nosebleed* i think it's the ONLY ooc-ness i could tolerate and be happy to ^^;

    @Artemis - carrying Renji? as in "carrying him in his arms""? . and Renji all pink cheeks and embarrassed, while Byakuya is carrying him around with a twitching eyebrow, mentally cursing fangirls and over-imaginative fanfic writers? disturbing imagery, indeed...
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Aww LOL But come on, when it comes to sex, if he's male, and he's willing ... he'll do it Would YOU refuse that with Renji? I'm just sayin'
  5. shattered
    but i always imagined byakuya had some limit! i mean, he struck me as someone who doesnt know all that much about sex i wonder how long it would take for renji to convince byakuya to suck him off ... if he asked outright, he'd probably be banished to the couch for quite a few weeks he'd need to go about it really really carefully
  6. tina21
    @shattered...and here is were the sake enters...enough sake to have Bya swimming in it...and Renji talking Bya into sucking him off......got that gave my a pic.....and the 69 can also be d0one in this situation.....and then we can have our dear Renji making Bya the next morning admit how good he felt....and slowly and steadily have Renji carve Bya as a lover.....
  7. shattered
    @tina ~ that is actually quite a yummy thought ... i wonder how byakuya would feel waking up from a drunken night of ... drunkenness

    it would be hilarious if byakuya were somehow extremely tolerant of alcohol than renji and that renji passes out before be does while they both are drinking
  8. tina21
    so Shattered, go girl! and make a fanfic with a Renji making Byakuya drunk, no good tolerance of course but he won't either seem like he is drunk, just bits and pieces that Renji connected and figured that his Taichou couldn't hold his liquor and proceeded to the whole seduction thingy...
  9. tina21
    or even the whole thing about Byakuya holding his liquor and Renji not.....how about making Bya feeling a little explanatory and having a sexy Renji passed out for him to experiment (maybe a suck off...?)...then have Renji waking up and ravish him....
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Hot damn If she doesn't write it, I will
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