aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. tina21
    It's like 6am and i should be getting ready to go to college.....and my brain doesn't work.....so i might not have get it right....Shattered you see Ulqi as an uke right...?? 'cos a seme...that's sth that Ulqi in now decade can become especially if he is ONLY paired with Grimmjow.....

    Grimmjow just hearing his voice and seeing him fight the air screams SEME.....while Ulqi and Bya are more elegant in their fights.....

    Renji is skinny....what is his height and Bya's...???
  2. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Renji is rather tall, 6'2 (188 cm). For a young man in peak physical condition, 172 lbs / 78 kg isn't bad at all. Renji's tall but not brawny; he's quite cut but his waist is trim and his shoulders aren't too broad.

    Byakuya is 5'11 (180 cm). Kinda short, but not too short. Though most of the guys I know are at least 6' ... but that could just be where I live. He only weighs 141 lbs (64 kg) though, which is incredibly slight, even for a man his height. He has to have a small frame, but even if he does, he's still off the charts. I personally like artists who draw him, keeping in mind his small frame, but still exhibiting his strength.
  3. tina21
    so Renji is 18cm taller than me where Bya is just 10cm taller than me.....choices, choices.....whom should i go after...???? well i like the quiet ones so i think Bya will do but it depends how he would look beside me.....'cos i like them at least 1.85cm....hey! a girl can dream...!!!
  4. shattered
    @tina ~ yes, uke!bya and uke!ulqui for me character stats

    Height - 180cm
    Weight - 64kg
    Birthday - Jan 31
    Favourite Things - A walk during the night and spicy food

    Renji - see? he's taller *and* heavier, being uke is just wrong!
    Height - 188cm
    Weight - 78kg
    Birthday - August 31
    Favourite Things - Teriyaki. ... Hates spicy food

    An Aquarius and a Virgo Googling their compatibility - seems like Byakuya has Renji's sign and Renji has Byakuya's! ~
    Virgo/Renji and Aquarius/Byakuya love compatibility
    Both are mental signs rather than emotional, but Virgo looks on the darker side of life while Aquarius is imaginative and optimistic. There is no strong sexual attraction between them. Aquarius needs activity, social events, a wide circle of acquaintances. Virgo enjoys a quiet existence with a few close friends. There will be neither especially strong excitation, nor interesting erotic games. The sober, practical Virgo is inclined to criticize the Aquarius' generosity. Their goals are very different: Aquarius wants to be as brilliant as possible; Virgo wants to be as efficient as possible. The marriage is possible in case they both have strong feelings towards each other.
  5. SexyRyu28
    @Shattered: Okay... uke Grimmy is not working for me... I see your point. I read your horoscope thing... I'm a Virgo, I think you just described me >.>

    I have nothing against OOC, I pretty much read anything, even crack just to get a good laugh. I just think that there are characters that can be depicted in a OOC situation others are not. I just can't see Bya uke... and I've read some good RenBya fics... so I'm not like a complete hater. It just that seeing uke Bya is like seeing Yuki Eiri throwing a birthday party. For example, Renji shows a wide range of emotions so it's easy for me to see him in any situation... I don't only pair him with Bya mind you, I have a tendency to ***** out some characters.

    Now Bya is constant in his emotions... he has that calm but strong characteristic. I can't see him in a submisive position or been all love dovey like I've read him been...it's just weird for me. I guess it's a matter of taste...

    @Artemis: I checked the C2 and Love's Labors Misinterpreted it's there.
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Well, I think you're reading the wrong RenBya fics. I've certainly never written him as "lovey dovey." I think a lot of people have preconceived notions of "how an uke acts" and "how a seme acts," when I personally feel those roles are based more around trust and what a person wants out of a lover.
  7. shattered
    @sexyryu ~ there's a difference between being submissive and being uke. i really hate those weak ukes who just cry and rely on their seme all the time and are basically like women with penises >_< like i said a few pages back, their relationship is more than that. they're like iwaki and katou. katou is usually the seme and he's the more excitable and baka one, where as iwaki is more serious and level-headed. byakuya is like that as well. he doesnt have to suddenly be all expressive and outgoing, and still be the uke (i dont see the yuki eiri party connection.) byakuya can be the dominant on in the relationship, and call the shots, but he can let renji be the seme because it means that he's opening himself up physically and emotionally and putting more into the relationship than he would otherwise. i think that renji would probably be uke if byakuya demanded ... but i think that the relation would work better if byakuya allowed renji to lead at least in the bedroom. its one place where he doesnt have to be thinking of tradition and order and social status, and maybe loosen up a little.
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Oh, but want to add, that seemed a little combative and I don't mean to be combative, just speaking my mind as usual lol Feel free to argue back XD
  9. SexyRyu28
    @shattered: I wonder who likes whiny ukes coz I sure don't >.< Neeways, Iwaki and Katou threw me off at first to be honest (HWD is ine of my faves btw) but it worked liked that. I see your point on Bya been dominant in the relationship but been uke as a way to open himself up physically and emotionally. But I see him more not in the "Renji makes me feel XYZ" but in the "I make him feel XYZ for me"

    God I can't decipher my own writing, and I'm sure I make less sense now

    @Artemis: Actually I've read some good RenBya fics... I read one today in the LJ community that was very good but left me sorta hanging >.<

    Going to bed now before I get delirious
  10. arinna
    Iwaki x Katou - my first yaoi love! although i tend to laugh at the mushiness, they still give me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. and they're also switchers

    yes, it's very hard to write Byakuya, and especially from his point of view, i've only come across one or two well-written fics of this kind. i suppose this is why i see Renji as the uke, occasional seme at most - i've read too many fics dealing with his feelings for his taichou, his whining and so on. hell, he's a whiner as his original character, too, so i can't blame it on the fandom. i won't be going through the whole routine with why i think Byakuya should NOT be the uke and just that, because i've done it way too many times .

    @SexyRyu - i definitely agree with the XYZ thing!

    urgh, and one more thing - i soooo hate the height rule, it's one of the most annoying cliches! little people are actually really feisty and determined :croc:
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