aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. arinna
    dissent within the RenBya faction! i recall (a few pages back ) Artemis saying something about blushing = uke. it appears shattered is not a true believer!

    @SexyRyu - gah, i understand about that sort of horribly written seme Bya! no offense, but i wish some people did not bother to write about him if they're going to "cripple" his character.

    @shattered - is it true about the bya_ren LJ? i should definitely pay them more visits. i suppose there's no way you will post a link to those abominations which are the ByaRen fics
  2. tina21
    will you spank me if i say that i don't care if a character in a ff is OOC, or psycho or whatever....i don't read them as a part of the manga or anime...i just have faces that i put to the characters.....if the plot is good i'm all for it......

    and it depends on the kind of seme that a caharacter is if he will blush or not.....Usami from JR you can see him blushing...Asami from VF no way.....so as i said it depends.....

    thnx for putting up with me......i'll as active as i can.....its just that i forget a lot.....

    btw can someone give me the link of the LJ so that i don't have to look through...how many posts..?
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    http://community.livejournal.com/bya_ren/ -- there's a fic being posted there now with ooc seme!Byakuya called "A Bene Placito."

    Byakuya's just hard to write in general. Because he's so introspective and self-destructive, I tend to see him as the "bottom" in the relationship (though of course partners can switch). But even so I have to be careful about feminizing him. He's not a feminine character in any way. But neither is he tyrannical sex maniac, as the majority of ByaRen writers (not fans!) seem to see him.

    And I think that's true about the blushing. Some people are simply more prone to it; I think in this instance I can imagine both Renji and Byakuya blushing.
  4. tina21
    I love how Bya and Ren look in your avy Artemis....i think that kind of look/character are the best matching for them.....

    i see Bya as an uke 'cos:
    1.he would hesitate Renji's advances, until Renji pushed and pushed till he got him (he might have gotten him a little drunk to low his defenses)....
    2.he seems to overanalyze things.....he uses his mind for heart problems
    3.he is vulnarable and his strong front is full of holes....
    4.he just thinks and thinks and gets himself hurt by that....misunderstanding and not talking (especially when he gets jealous)......
  5. tina21
    btw i forgot...thnx for the link Artemis...
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    You're welcome! Oh I love your reasons for uke!Bya. Those are mine, too! I love his vulnerability ... I love that Renji is strong enough to LET him be vulnerable! *in dreamy fangirl mode now...*

    Ahahaha Thank shattered for my avi It's actually sort of "over the top" comic RenBya, or at least I look at it that way when you take into account the cracky quote Byakuya looks like he's about to scream "RAPE!!!!"
  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I think I have created a C2 Community: http://www.fanfiction.net/community/...on_Love/59283/

    I tried to add a story (Love's Labors Misinterpreted), but it hasn't shown up
  8. shattered
    This is just to illustrate my pov - I see uke!Renji the same way I see uke!Grimmjow: slightly kinky, but nonetheless wrong.

    @arinna ~ ok, blushing is only for ukes Renji doesn't blush, he goes red in the face, there's a difference

    I promise I'll stop spamming (soon)!
  9. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Renji and Grimmy also lose like thirty pounds (dunno non-US equivalent ) of muscle mass when they uke
  10. shattered
    *has so sense of pounds* google says its roughly 13.6kg ... wow that's quite a lot actually, renji only weighs 78kg/172lb <--- not all that butch really ... if he lost that much, he'd ................ weigh less than me-who-doesnt-exercise and he's also about 28cm taller than me omg just thinking of skinny arms and legs is creeping me out! quick, bulk up some more renji!
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