aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. CelticMist
    Actually those were the only two pictures I posted without the artist's name.
  2. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Okay, I realized the "One Sake, Two Sake" pic with drunk Renji leaning on disapproving Byakuya is a little hard to read, so I took the liberty of translating what he says:

    Has anyone ever told you that you have REALLY pretty f*ckin’ eyes? I know its kinda gay ‘ta be sayin’ that n’all, but I just HAD to tell ya. Y’know I don’t want sum IDIOT to be the one ‘ta tell ya, man. Like if sum asshole told me my hair was fugly as f*ck, I’d tell ‘em right off – no lie … Do I look like Rapunzel with my hair down? Some damn PRICK said that and I nearly clocked ‘im. Litle punk. Come ‘ta think of it, he insulted my tatts, too. Damn that little bitch shouldn’t be alive right now, but eh, f*ck, it doesn’t matter as long as I like ‘em. An’ you too, Taicouhuuu ♥ ~ But those f*ckin’ raingutters or whatever’s on ur head eatin’ your hair are f*ckin’ WEIRD. They make me want celery. But NOT with hot sauce. F*ck that. And I know how you roll with that damn shit. Damn gross shit. Speaking of fire, did y’know my name translates to “Rib-stomach kitchen Range”? F*ckin’ strange, ne? Whatever, not as bad as th’damn kid’s – “Blackfish Strawberry” *snicker* Oh man, what a pansie. And NOT ‘ta be confused with my robe. F*uckin’ love that thing. Do ya like that robe? On me, I mean, I mean if you WANT it guess you can have it. I know my Taichou has a thing for pink flowers ♥ Y’know I read “fukutaichou” as “f*ck-u-taichou”? ♥ So can I? ♥
  3. shattered
    thanks for clearing that up artemis! i was gonna attempt to read it but ... squinting at the screen just does things to my eyes
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    hehehehehe No problem I just love it to death so I had to share it. It's the epitome of a drunk person talking to his crush It just freaking cracks me up ... especially the "****-u-taichou" part
  5. Isan
    omg that pic is hilarious XDD Thanks for the text arty
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    haha, You're welcome Isn't it the best? There are so many fics out there featuring drunk Renji, and they always make me laugh Ohhh one of my favorites though is when Renji thinks Byakuya is drunk, but he's actually feverish, and so he takes him home and puts him to bed *wibbles*
  7. shattered
    post link woman! how can you just give discription and leave it at that?!?!? are we supposed to just find it based on the description?!?!?!
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
  9. shattered
    thanks hun!
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    No problem XD

    For more excellent byaren fics just go to my favorite stories section in my FFN page: HERE All my favorite goodies gathered in one place XD

    Of course there are some of those that aren't on FFN ... does anyone like AUs? The best AU I ever read was called "Sixth Division" and it featured Renji as a young up-and-coming assistant to corporate head honcho Byakuya ... who is grieving over his dead wife. A very moving (but funny, too) AU, nice and long, some great love scenes, and cameos from other Bleach characters (but not other pairings except minor IchiRuki so you won't get turned off by some off the wall side pairing).

    If anyone's interested, I can scour the net for it and try to find it XD
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