aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Yeah I'm still hoping that, like you said, the fight in the prologue is just for kicks and giggles and that it's never really going to happen. Although a part of me DOES wish it would, b/c then at least Renji and Bya-kun could interact. It ought to be impossible though, since Renji's in HC
  2. shattered
    byakuya didnt even get any lines in that filler ep he just looked haughty or had his eyes closed like he had a migraine...... or renji had a go at him the night before

    the arc seems to be mostly on lampshade girl and the 2 guards and scar dude so there'll probably be brief appearances by the other captains in some short fight that involved unnecessary use of bankai just like byakuya did in the bount arc. he could easily have defeated that bount with just his shikai!
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Unnecessary bankai I completely agree. OH and also about the causes of Byakushi's migraine

    rawrr ... Renji, you dog XD
  4. shattered
    "... Renji, stop! It's the new captan induction tomorrow! I have to be there!"
    "That's ok Taichou, you just lie there, you don't have to do anything "
    "How will I explain it if I'm not at my best?!"
    "Just say I'm an incompetent idiot. They'll understand."
    "... I sincerely hope that your incompetence is an act."
    "Now's not the time to think about that. I'm really competent *here*"
    ...smut ensues
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOLOL And thus he walks around with that "poor me" pout on his face all day. I bet the other captains were smirking knowingly at each other the whole time. Poor Kuchiki-hime
  6. arinna
    not commenting on the "hime", SO not commenting even though it makes you wonder why Renji was nowhere in sight - maybe HE was recovering form the night before.

    was it just me or ep. 168 was a total drag? just a parade of captains... parading around and looking suspicious of their new colleague. i mean, even Byakuya was unnecessarily haughty and more of a pompous ass than usually. the art seemed kind of shabby, too .
  7. shattered
    well it IS a filler, the whole purpose of which is to drag. its was just captain eye candy and possibly a little suspense building that really didnt work all that well byakuya regressed to pre-invasion haughtiness ...
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Pre-invasion haughtiness ... or WILD SEX-INDUCED MIGRAINE FROM HELL

    Top or bottom, it was still exhausting
  9. shattered
    yeah top or bottom, renji would always have more energy than byakuya...
  10. arinna
    will this ever end? it looks like Renji's ardent wish to be better than his taichou in all things is very much projected on his fans. or should i say "top" his taichou?
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