aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. annieroo2
    Well besides the 3 fics i listed below, here's a rec list from the actual byaren LJ site that was updated 3/24. I haven't read most of these, but there are a lot on here by ArtemisMS that I'm sure are spectacular. The list is really long and actually starts off with a bunch of byaren fanart sites. But the fics are mostly RenBya that I could see. Like I said I haven't read most of them, but you have to figure if they made the official LJ rec list for ByaRen that have to be damn good.


    Hope this helps.

    As for Joy in the Dance RenBya fic I linked below, I think any RenBya or ByaREn fan would like it honestly. The bondage is very light, very consenual and actually very romantic. For a man who has his whole body tattooed this is nothing. It also felt very true and real to their character and relationship growth.

    If I ever come across a decently romantic ByaRen fic without bondage I'll be sure to link it, but so far nada.

    I don't necessarily agree that's he not appreciated, I just think that most fanfic writers love him as uke. I mean he gets all Renji's love and attention this way, so I'd say he's appreciated.
  2. blaqkfire
    I just remembered a romantic ByaRen fic - actually a chapter from an ongoing story. This is chapter nine of "Three Parts Dead" by Kira Douji and Gali. Byakuya is drunk and Renji gets him to do some surprising things. It eventually ends with Bya proposing marriage.
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Well that's really not the "official" LJ list, she was just nice enough to collect her favorites and post them I was all bubbly that I made the list There are lots of good and def. better writers on that list too so def. check them out. Of course I love Celeste's stories, and Division Six is like my favorite fic EVER.
  4. annieroo2
    I'd totally forgotten about "Three Parts Dead". It's been so long since they updated it. And you're right Byakuya is pretty romantic in that one, but man is it a freaking LONG story and it's still a WIP.
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    It is supposed to be ByaRen and RenBya, I think. I haven't read it ... too long for my tastes and I don't usually like collaborations. Writing style differences are always noticeable (to me). No offense to the authors, of course! They have loads of fans.
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    So what do you guys think of the possibility of Renji and Byakuya fighting again in the new arc? *ick*
  7. shattered
    the post fight makeup sex would be hot
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOLOL Well ... yeah ...

    Renji: Sorry for trying to kill you, taichou.
    Byakuya: ...
    Renji: *stare*
    Byakuya: *stare*
    Renji: ...
    BYakuya: *blush*
    Renji: *TAICHOU GLOMP*
  9. arinna
    *gasp* another fight?!? off i go to download some Bleach and be annoyed.
  10. shattered
    well any interaction is still better than no interaction like in what is currently happening!
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