aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. shattered
    *hurries back to catch them going for round 7*
    nice view i didnt think that byakuya would be so flexible
  2. arinna
    except that Renji is getting the overwhelming uke vote, or occasional seme at best in your poll. way to go, Renji, enjoy it while it lasts, before Byakuya flips you over and gets his rightful turn.
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Yeah right! Byakuya will be too worn out to do much flipping Plus Renji's like twice his size bwhahaha (okay, it's late, can't think of a decent comeback lol)
  4. CelticMist
    OMG Byakuya is getting the seme votes in the poll....I voted for versatile...
  5. shattered
    after byakuya has experienced the pleasure of bottoming, he's always gonna want it
  6. arinna
    you could say the same about Renji
  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOL Bottom Renji, argh, I just can't see it

    Renji as a bottom seems so out of character ... he's such a fiery, determined guy, and SO proud, too. To me it would be almost sad to see him on the bottom, his spirit beaten ... all the ByaRen fics I've suffered through (lol) have Renji as being somewhat unwilling, and it does not feel like a loving relationship ... not even a relationship at all, but more of a "master and slave" submission type thing. It breaks my heart for Renji.

    And for Byakuya ... having someone who gives in to his sick desire to be above and better than everyone else around him could never be good for his soul. He needs someone who can reassure him, that it's okay to relax and let someone else take control ... even if just for a little while. I think if Byakuya could find someone like that, and truly trust him enough, then that would be true love for him.

    I sometimes think his "love" for Hisana was more of an obsession ... that he merely placed her on a pedestal, and boy did it rankle him that she did not return his affections. After all, he brought her up out of the slums, didn't he? It was her duty to love him.

    Also, the other day I came across a ByaRen supporter who said that RenBya people only like Byakuya on the bottom b/c he's "pretty", which I thought was pretty mean! Some people just take these things too far lol
  8. Isan
    You know, your post reminded me Art, that we all got deeply into the psychology of the RenBya pairing before
    Remember that Yaoi Psychology 101 thread? That was so awesome haha
    And yeah obviously we're both putting the pairing in this particular position for the same reasons. It's always both reassuring and amusing to hear someone say the same thing that you're thinking when you seem to be in the minority
    Makes one think we might not be so crazy after all for seeing it that way XD
    Anyway since you explained it already so well before and now I don't really have anything else to add but I do agree about what you said for Hisana, It also did seem that way to me

    In short, there's something satisfying in thinking of (tight ass) *cough* Byakushi becoming unraveled in Renji's arms
    No more pretending he has no emotions

    He prolly has more stuff bottled up inside than anyone else so what a better way to let them all out than this~ I seriously don't think he would let himself feel anything if he'd be placed in the seme position. It'd be too easy to let himself be closed off. I'm not saying he wouldn't be able to perform but I really don't think it would satisfy him on a deeper level
  9. jojo1038
    I have to agree. Or in my personaly opinion maybe my obsession with Renji being on top is just simply because Renji is too hot to be forced to be the bottom one. In my opinion I would have him seme both Byakuya and Ichigo. His personality is too strong for everyone to have Byakuya overshadow him. Its not like I am against him being semed occasionaly myself, but we have seen a lot of characters with the same personality as Renji always come out to being the seme, why should this anime be different?
  10. arinna
    @Artemis - how can you say Renji is too proud to be bottom while the same doesn't apply to Byakuya?!? his pride and honour are his fatal flaws after all.
    i'm going to write a thesis on this and rub your nose in it! too bad i don't have much time on my hands, or i'd argue till doomsday.
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