I thought of sharing some Bya/Ren eye candy...
Sweet!! OH NOES!!! Byakuya sees us looking in that second pic!!!
haha, yeah he does seem to be on the look out while renji's all into it ... i guess one of them has to keep guard at all time
He's going to give us the Point of Doom soon ... *shudders* How can anyone be so cute and so SCARY all at the same time? Bya-kun really is a special taichou Renji must have some sort of fear / pleasure addiction...
its a small price to pay to be able to pound his captain on to the mattress as he likes
Well, naturally, Byakushi never does the Point of Doom during sex
Temi-chan, who knows? :3 maybe he does and Renji gets off on it.
Hey new to the group. Thought I would join since its probably my all time fav watching the pairings of Renji-san and Byakuya-san. To ell you the truth I prefer Renji being the seme. But that's my personal opinion.
yay! hi there jojo! you are most welcome here!
jojo -- stand by your personal opinion. Above all, always remember that your personal opinion is the RIGHT opinion, no matter what those clueless seme!Bya supporters might say. THEY ARE WRONG. Your opinion? Right. So, so right. Seme!Renji FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *slinks away*