aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong

    lol dramatic enough for you?! I honest to god LOVE Rukia's relationship with her stern older bro; I think them indescribably cute together. I do think their relationship is clearly brother/sister; in a way, it reminds me of my relationship with my brother-in-law. We aren't blood related, but I do feel so special when he gives me gifts (even on valentine's day), and we do love each other, def. in a bro/sister way though.
  2. arinna
    you said ByaRen, not RenBya!!! Byakushi is rubbing his hands in glee right now and prepares to molest a very disappointed Renji.
  3. chamorrican56
    way to point that out arinna -highfive-

    god i love u guys , ur all way too cute
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Oh shush. I was utilizing parallelism for poetic effect. Byakushi, quit rubbing your hands, they're going to chaff. Renji, it's all right, honey; I know you're a "blushing" seme but don't push it.
  5. chamorrican56
    hahaha artemis ....

    like i said i really dont mind which is which as long as its those two (but still, bya CAN win against renji when it comes to a fight of dominance, its just that we like to see our very sexy-stoic capt vulnerable sometimes. and theres nothing wrong with that ^^)

    so lets make peace ppl and the world will be right !
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    lol I'm all for peace It's just fun to argue about it

    Yeah that's why in potential yaoi scenarios we RenBya shippers gotta find out a way to make Byakushi powerless, like he's in a kidou-sucking room or something, that way Renji has at least a glimmer of a chance
  7. CelticMist
    but still, bya CAN win against renji when it comes to a fight of dominance

    yeah...sure...he can tie Renji to the bed and then ride on him?
    *cough* no really, I don't mind letting Bya top from time to time. ^.^
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    jajaja Aggressive!Bya likes to ride him some redhead!!!!
  9. arinna
    can we please, o, please, let him retain some of his dignity? his pride bruises like a peach.
  10. CelticMist
    *thinks hard over it*...eh, no!
    *licks said peach* :3~
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