aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. shattered
    i loved it when renji fought him with his bankai for the first time, especially that bit where his sweat drop falls to the ground in slow motion and then it tracks upways to byakuya up there on tower roof

    and when byakuya sat in on the fukutaichou meeting he did it for renji
  2. chamorrican56
    i have to agree with shattered in the Lt. meeting thing. that was hilarious
  3. arinna
    Uke Renji supporter reporting in! damn... i wasn't there when the time was right *mumble*

    my favourite moment HAS to be the hospital scene, when Byakushi is injured and Renji is carving a toy for their kids *lemme dream, lemme dream * and Ichigo jumps from the window into the room and ruins Renji's cool line (i can't remember which episode that was...). i read a fanfic somewhere about the missing scene

    which reminds me: Artemis - i've stumbled upon your LJ page in search of Gintama fanfic
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ohhh that's a good one I also like the one where he sits in for Rukia's Shinigami Women's Association ... although if you go on youtube all the comments say it's b/c he's a perv Oh, COME ON!!! Maybe Shunsui but not Byakuya; you know he only went to exchange hair care tips.

    Aww, the fight makes me sad because they're, well, fighting, when they should be lurvin

    EDIT: LOL arinna OMG Well, it is a small, small world, as far as Gintama fics are concerned, TRUST me!!!!
  5. chamorrican56
    arinna YAY a uke renji supporter ^^ -beams with pride-
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Yes, yes, whittling for their future children, I like it
  7. shattered
    i wanna see them re-unite! they've been apart for too long now!
  8. annieroo2
    Hey you didn't scare me away I just have poor time management skills so don't get here often enough. My 2 year old boss demands a lot of time and attention.

    I do like uke Renji, but mostly because I have a hard time seeing Byakuya submit to a subordinate. But truthfully I like them both ways just because that means I get to read more of them together. I'm more of a switch girl myself. I like it when the guys go both ways seems a little less stereotypical to me for our more modern era.

    I recognized the title of your fic when you mentioned it, but when I looked it up I realized i'd never read it because it's AU. I'm going to have to rectify that error. I'll try and read the whole thing next time one of your updates pops up if i can't get to it soon. I think I'll also have to checkout and read Hot for Teacher. Just the name sounds worth it.

    I dont' think I have a favorite Bya/Ren scene becuase like someone said there are just so few of them, but i have to admit adoring their faces when Renji asks Byakuya if he attends Rukia's SWA meetings when she's gone too. I die laughing ever time. I know it's only and omake and probably not canon, but it's still hysterical.
  9. arinna
    @chamorrican - are you real?!? finally, someone who doesn't firmly believe Byakuya should be pounded into the mattress/cold hard floor/ taken against the wall/in the shower/on his desk/under the blossoming cherry tree and so on by his overzealous fukutaichou. thank you for existing

    @annieroo - i agree, i absolutely love switching. i don't mind a Bya uke once in a while, as long as he's not called "princess" and given exaggerated feminine personality traits (ah, blasphemy!!!).

    @Artemis - Gintama fanfic world is a tiny, tiny pool, that's why you need to get your writing feather, dip it into the ink and let the magic happen.
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    annie ~ people seem to really like those AU's!! Oh, I was even told that Bya was very seme in the latest installment of Prince and Rebel So that should make you happy

    arinna ~ Oh my brain has become mush, with all this talk of Bya being pounded into the mattress / cold hard floor / against the wall / in the shower / on his desk / under the blossoming cherry tree ... well maybe not that last one Anyway, I think there's one thing we can probably all agree on ... Renji is "overzealous" in just about everything, sex notwithstanding, no matter what position he's in

    Kyahhh I tried to write a Gintama AU and it was crap (it was only my second fic ever though). I wrote a GinZura 100 wd drabble that was fun, but don't think I could ever write more.

    By the way, I always hear people complaining about "super feminine" Byakuya, but I don't think I've actually encountered that in a fic yet ... in LOTS of fanart, yes, and god it's just disgusting Whereas feminine Renji is just amusing ... feminine Byakuya makes me feel ill I think even I pushed it too far when I wrote about him crying once But, well, guess the man's allowed to shed a tear every ten years or so ... maybe
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