aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

6th Division Love ~ ♥

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOL The fic was silly and improbable and utterly absurd, not to mention OOC, but I guess that's part of the fun of it sometimes, putting our favorite boys in impossible situations (like in mud-wrestling pits)

    Yeah, see there's the whole thing about Byakuya being a badass, with his kidou and shunpo and Senbonzakura, so we'd have to find someway to divest him of those mad skillz of his, or else even Renji wouldn't have a chance with him
  2. CelticMist
    I do not! *sniff-sniff* but life has cought up with me these days. ><'

    canon situations...let's see :3~ how about a ball? you know, for all single Shinigami to have the oportunity to find their soulmates. un unwilling MC (like..Hitsugaya XD), silly blindfold tag games, sniff him/her out, recognize body parts, etc.
    Losers get to demonstrate their 'skill' in the mud arena :3~
    attire: fundoshi
    weapons: only the hotness *cough* power of the body
  3. shattered
    but byakuya wouldnt lose he'd probably be able to sniff out and recognise every part of renji >/////<
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I think we've gone beyond the realm of canon possibility and into the world of PURE CRACKY PWP GOODNESS

    Which I am all for, of course Wahh if only I could write good porn! <--not fishing for compliments, I'm not good at it, don't like writing it, won't write it ... usually
  5. arinna
    besides, you would probably do unspeakable things to Byakushi
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    ME?!?! Never!!! *aghast*

  7. shattered
    i've dont some unspeakable things to byakushi im my mind theatre ... its just that no one's seen it
  8. shattered
    ooops ... did i actually type that?!?!
  9. CelticMist
    Do unspeakable things still exist? :3~
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    lol! You know, Byakuya is one of the only ukes (cause he's uke in my head) I can fantasize about. There is just something so sexy about him! Mmmm, Byakushi ...

    Let's question the poor bruised and batter Byakushi in shattered's head and ask him if "unspeakable things" really exist
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