aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

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  1. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: I'm kinda sad, I'm not doing anything tomorrow.
  2. mateoo
    @lu: aww, im sorry. nothings going on with your friends?
  3. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: I don't know. None of them have really talked to me. My best friend has to go trick or treating with her cousins. My other friends, I dunno...
  4. mateoo
    @lu: well, you should give them a call. ^^
  5. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: Meh...They usually call me. It's a thing, if they want to hang out with me. I'm just going to stay home and stuff...
  6. mateoo
    @lu: ok. maybe they will.

    do you get many trickortreaters?
  7. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: Not many any more. Kids just don't come around anymore. The malls around here do trick or treating now, to get business, and its warm and less chance of someone getting kidnapped, blah blah blah...
  8. mateoo
    @lu: Oh I see. We don't get many either. Just not a lot of kids.
  9. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: Yeah there aren't a lot of kids here anymore either.
  10. mateoo
    @I'm scanning my pic! I think i'll color it... but if you want a sneak peek I can upload the line drawing. ^^
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