aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

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  1. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: I'll definately do that, pet. I am sorry...I don't want to go...

    @Vel-san: You just love knowing when I'm here, lurking, don't you?
  2. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: Oh pet! I love it!
  3. mateoo
    @lu: its ok lu-sama. i understand.

    @vel: oh, i reponded to the wrong thing vel-sama... oh well.
  4. mateoo
    @lu: you do!? yay! I'm glad. *^^*
  5. Velstraph
    Lucifer-san: *grins* I just like to be aware of my surroundings. Besides, things are so much more lively when the Prince of Darkness is here.

    @ Mateoo-kun: Well, I guess I was partially right. Sorry, I can only sometimes tell when Lucifer-san arrives; but not for how long he will be staying.
  6. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: *Huggles Mate-chan again* Yes, I love it lots... *Kisses Mate-chan* So, been up to anything, other than walking around in a thong?
  7. LuciferxDamien
    @Vel-san: Well, at least you didn't say I brighten up the room, then call me the Prince of Darkness...
  8. mateoo
    @lu: umm I danced, had some 'alone time', and drew! ^^ oh and talking with vel-sama.
  9. mateoo
    @lu: I'm sorry to break this to you, but the Prince of Darkness is Ozzy.
  10. Velstraph
    @ Lucifer-san: I prefer not to employ oxymorons... they confuse me. *chuckle*

    @ Mateoo-kun: And see, how couldn't Lucifer-san like that picture? It's wonderful.
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