aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

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  1. LuciferxDamien
    @Vel-san: Well, if you get tired, please go to bed. It may be hard to talk to a paranoid person, but I'm fairly certain its a wee bit harder to talk to a dead one. Or an unconsious one. I'm really not that freaked out, kinda wish I was, so bad of me, but my brain feels like its swimming in liquid fuzz right now...
  2. Velstraph
    @ Lucifer-san: Well I'm brewing up some coffee so I won't be tired at all pretty soon. I never drink caffeine so you can just guess what this will do to me. *chuckles* But you know I'm here for you. And if you need a voice to listen to that can be arraigned as well.
  3. Velstraph
    @ Lucifer-san: Liquid fuzz? Hmm, trying to get a feel for what that might feel like. And trust me, talking to a paranoid person is easy for me... hell, I used to be one. Still am to some degree.
  4. LuciferxDamien
    @Vel-san: I think my head just hurts because of the lack of sleep, but I have no class tomorrow, so its not a big deal. And it might be caffiene withdrawls... Oh fun, you on caffiene? I can just imagine. See, I brought the kitty downstairs so that if something weird starts happening, he'll be able to pick up on it. I'm bad, I use my animals as 'weird' detectors, but hey, they're sensitive to that stuff soo...I think I'm so calm right now because when I came home I had...a meltdown/break down...
  5. LuciferxDamien
    @Vel-san: Yeah liquid fuzz...I really don't know how to describe it, but that's what it feels like. The tv was making it worse, so I turned it down and put music on, the music is helping.
  6. Velstraph
    @ Lucifer-san: Eh, I never really needed the help of a cat to feel that something was wrong with an area. Plus I can absorb my fear and use it to help fight itself sometimes. Now what is this about a break down? I always became very calm after such things, but I always made sure to analyze what caused my break down in the first place. So if you would like to, do tell.
  7. LuciferxDamien
    @Vel-san: Well, I promised Bars, the kitty, that I would take him to bed with me tonight, plus I feel safer with a cat in my room. Has something to do with the Egyptians belief that cats guard the underworld. So, I'm kinda using him to save me from zombies right now. And, if I start hearing things getting bumped in my room, I can just blame it on the cat, even if its not the cat. The only thing is he's sleeping on my bed and that makes it hard for my think its the cat when he's right next to me...

    Ah, yes...my break down thingy...I do and don't want to tell you for two very valid reasons that I think you would agree on...but its such a touchy subject, and I'm just afraid of how you might react and stuff...I'm over reacting, I know but, that's how I prepare myself for the worst case scenario...
  8. Velstraph
    @ Lucifer-san: Ah well I was never prone to using cats while I slept, I have some gargoyle statues in my room to look over me while I sleep and ward off harm. And since my windows are open the wind is blowing the curtains in so if there are any weird sounds I can blame it on the wind.

    But now about your break down, I can assure you I will not try and patronize you and dismiss whatever you tell me. If someone can trust me enough to tell me something like that, then I will always treat them with respect. But, as you say it's a touchy subject so if you don't want to talk with me about it, I will fully understand. Though I would like to hear it so that if there is something I can do to help you I can figure out what that is.
  9. LuciferxDamien
    @Vel-san: I'll tell you, but not here. I trust you a lot, and I'm just being paranoid...but I hope you can understand...I'll pm you, ok?
  10. Velstraph
    @ Lucifer-san: That is perfectly fine. I just want you to be comfortable.
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