aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

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  1. mateoo

    whats happening with japanese?
  2. LuciferxDamien
    That is the ugliest f*cking shoe I have EVER seen in my life...and I would say its the ugliest shoe I'd ever see in my entire life, but then some designer would come out with something 10 times as hideous...Why does is seem like designer shoes are so f*cking ugly? Have designers forgot what taste was? Or am I completely wrong?
  3. mateoo
    *giggles* yeah that is ugly. perhaps its just the color of suede. You shopping for heels, lu-sa?
  4. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: I f*cked up on my last exam...and just didn't go to class last week for a quiz. The teacher sucks, she was picking on me and another girl, on of my friends, for no reason. She was just being a b*tch. Apparently I wasn't speaking loud enough...I have a loud voice, and she isn't one to talk! We can barely even hear her! And I sit in the front of the room! Bah...screw the world. Hope someone sets it on fire over the weekend. Would make me happy. Just not in the mood for tediousness. She can't even teach the class, the text book f*cking sucks. She tells us if we don't understand something to check the book...yeah...she doesn't explain anything, and I'm not the only one that feels this way. Everyone I've talked to has said the same things, I'm not just being pissy. I'll be lucky to pass the damn class, and even luckier if I can form a decent sentance...a new one, I know set phrases, but that doesn't really f*cking help me.
  5. mateoo
    @lu: well she sounds like a bad teacher, that's probably why you aren't doing as well as you should.
  6. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: I got bored last night, an Dragon Cave had an ad for Nieman Marcus, so I checked it out. The pretty shoes caught my eye. A f*cking thousand dollars for that thing...I suppose if it were made out some nice leather it would look a lot better, but you know, I thought Giorgio Armani was better than that kind of crap...I guess I was wrong...This is the only shoe that I would consider...I like reptile print. Look around at the shoes on that site. They are fugly. And either I have REALLY bad taste, or the designers need to go get their taste buds checked...or something. Either that, or they expect lable wh*res to keep them in business. I do know some people that will buy something, no matter how hideous, just because of the name on it. Sad really.
  7. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: I suppose...I don't really study, but I never really have had to. I've always been good at Japanese, but she...well, she was supposed to be a substitute for half a year a few years ago while the university looked for a second year teacher. Well, now she's still teaching second year, and she SUCKS at it. She just goes out of the text book and can't explain it. Making things difficult. Probably should have just taken first year. It would have been an easy A I already know everything...Probably would have shot myself though, I never ever, ever never ever want to do hiragana and katakana again. If I have to learn them again, I'm shooting myself. Or whatever is the quickest and easiest way to end my misery at the time.
  8. mateoo
    *^^* *kisses nose* don't worrk my love. *huggles*
  9. mateoo
    @lu: I like the shoe you picked... Id like to wear it. ^^
  10. LuciferxDamien
    @Mate-chan: So it isn't just me? Designers really do need to have their brains checked? I mean, what self respecting person would wear half of those...hideous wastes of leather? *Huggles back* I'm just in a bad mood, and I'm probably dragging you down with me...I about had a major melt down this morning...again...I thought that there was an exam today. If there was, I was staying in bed and shutting out the world.
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