aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Terrenea
    Welcome, don't be afraid, you can post anything you want here - and you'll be together with similar minded people.
    The paddings? They're just there so you wont hurt yourself.
    Yes, you can hurt yourself on either the walls, the roof, the floor.. we just want to protect you.
    Furnitures? Now, why would you want that?

    (me + bored/tired + have to write something to be able to post = voíla!)

    ..yes, I am lazy..
  2. kinai26
    Yo, jeg var ikke klar over at der var en gruppe for os fra Danmark XD
    (I didn´t know that there was a group for danes)
  3. Larecjv
    Sweet, good to know im not the only Dane around here
  4. Shirakana
    oohhh fellow lovers of yaoi lol <3
    Pity we are so few...
  5. ladyazmodan
    Hold da op, vi er i undertal! O.o - Men i det mindste er jeg ikke alene :P
    (Wow, we're so few! - But atleast i'm not alone.)
  6. anifan
    yeaahh other danes hehe nice to meet your all
  7. xxsupertwinxx
    Ja, vi er godt nok ikke særlig mange O.o
    (Yes, we aren't really many)
  8. Pen2LovesTabris
    Muuu~ Ærgeligt...´OmO`
    (Muuu~ Too bad... ´OmO`)
  9. hentaiFUJOSHI
    ikke så sært. man kan knap nok se vores lille land på verdens kortet.
    (no wonder. you can barely see our little country on the world map.)
Results 1 to 9 of 9