aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The things you hate in yaoi >_<

  1. Camie
    When the censor out the nummy parts!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Toshitsuki
    I hate too feminin ukes, a manga without story, uninteresting or crappy ending, too happy ending, ugly characters.
  3. RizuRizuRizuki
    When there isn't any ´sparks´ between lovers. And also when the uke is too feminized, not like :/
  4. Hikouseki
    @Camie Can't agree with you more. *grrr* Stupid censormarks!

    Other stuff to dislike,
    1) ukes that don't realize their own feelings (too much of this and the character goes on my dislike-list ;P),
    2) ukes that are in pain during sex (ok, so sometimes sex do hurt, but it should be mostly enjoyable, shouldn't it?)
    3) non-extinct plot or bad dialogue (come on make the story fun to read, pretty please!)
    4) I second @Arukana on this one "I hate yaoi's that have ugly looking guys or looks like it was made in the 80's. And I cant enjoy a yaoi if its about two guys that look like they are in their 60's eaither."

    But there are lots of good stories out there, and maybe hate is to strong a word for these things...I guess I tolerate most stuff even if I don't particularly like it...sort of :P
  5. HiddenInTheSea
    I hate when the uke is a total ***** and is sleeping with everyone and he doesn't even know why he does that. The only excuse is: "anybody will do". That really makes me wanna puke. I see this frequently in mangas and no one thinks this is cliche? I mean... seriously people.
  6. cocomi
    Most yaoi animes or mangas have girly ukes, which is weird because yaoi is made for girls, right? I don't understand why 'the yaoi maker creates girly ukes because thats how the fans want it'; they look like transvestite/ gender bender or something, and if we like the boy-girl concept we just have to watch normal animes.
  7. Kujasama
    Huh, I guess everyone's dislikes go to the extemely-sensitive-almost-sounding-like-a-girl uke. I'm with you.
    What I also don't like is when ukes look like they have ten years old. It is weird to read a manga\watch an anime like that. I cringe at the idea. It feels like I'm watching a pedophile's fantasy!
    That's why I'm only interested in hot, grown up, men.
  8. LoliCiel
    I hate it when the characters look ugly
  9. punkrocker168
    High school romance is so stupid. There's so many of them it's annoying. Write something else!
  10. BornToLoveManga
    I hate when the uke refuses to confess their love and how they censor all the hot scenes
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