aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The things you hate in yaoi >_<

  1. falkia
    In love with Naono Bohra. Big time. Passionate hate for some of haruka minamis works but ok with others. I think i dont like when everything is sooooo obvious from the beginning and even the sex is simple and within one page. Or when the faces are as emotional as stone.
  2. BatNinja
    I'm also not a big fan of overly fem ukes I really hate it when they already act so girly and yet they are in complete denial that they are gay ><
    why do I watch yaoi? cause I like to see MEN have sex! So why in the hell do I want to watch a guy look so much like a girl be bottom?

    I also hate when the story does not make any sense. I'm good with some nice smutty pwp but if your going to make it an actually story give me something that is not just thrown in the middle of a story. To many yaoi just starts as if we knew what was going on in their lives....
  3. Satomichan
    You have a point batninja. I recently read one that made so very little sense that I couldn't get appreciation from the sex.
    I don't like the girly acting ones either. For the most part I can handle a slight girly look, but not act. The denial thing is terrible too!
  4. sarah3161
    i hate when the uke is badly treated like ( Ayase ) *_* thats why i hated Okane Ga Nai
    of course this is my opinion ^_^
  5. jitterbug17
    Cliche story lines..i guess. Oh, and boys who act overly girly. I like boys who dress in girl clothes but i don't want them to act like girls as well..i don't know..i just not fond of it.
  6. sweetnox
    I don't like a beefed-up(macho) seme and too feminine seme. Semes have to be cool, hot with an attitude to rule over the uke...

    Yuki Eiri
  7. Rulca_XXX
    I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who hates girly ukes. I like MEN in my yaoi, not girls with penises. That's a whole different genre...
  8. Arukana
    I hate yaoi's that have ugly looking guys or looks like it was made in the 80's. And I cant enjoy a yaoi if its about two guys that look like they are in their 60's eaither.
  9. kailyangel
    I agree with most people on here XD

    No fem ukes! I like my ukes badass and spicy XD the kind that make you go "wtf? why aren't you the seme?" (too bad this is really rare.)

    + I don't like dead plot lines =_= or the "you raped me and hurt me but I love you anyway!" thing Xp

    I also don't like it when the uke is in TOO much pain, come on! if you love someone why make them suffer? prepare the poor guy properly first!
  10. Yuki88
    It annoys me when the uke is completely clueless on how they feel: Its cute at first but then it gets old.... Well i guess the upside to this is when they finally decide on how they feel something MOE^.~ tends to happen.
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