aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Dutch Yaoi Fans

  1. EmmyEii
    Hahaha OMG I'd laugh myself to death if the word 'piemel' was used. No way! HAHAHA xD That'd totally kill the mood! Lol xD

    @Mimsy: <3 I already deleted my old message! -snort- Damned internet xD Died on me, again >.<

    Oh, and something else entirely! No, it's not yaoi-related... but anyway, I don't know if any of you watched Fitna? Well, at one point in that idiotic movie, there's a 'picture' of 'Mohammed B.' or whatever his name is. Guess what... it's not him, it's actually a rapper from Alphen a/d Rijn (where I live). What nerve does that man (Wilders) have to use his pic and saying it's that criminal! OMG! >.<
  2. Rukin
    yaoi in dutch, I wish I knew how that sounded XD lol
    Wilders is just and asshole with an attitude problem, just let him rot in his own world of hate >.<'
    Oh and Kretao (if I spelled your name wrong,please don't kill me! :P) I totally agree, I've bought the first three volumes of Death Note in english cause I don't want to imagine how L would sound being smart in dutch...that's just...akward >.<' dutch just sounds so...dull, sometimes
  3. EmmyEii
    Yeah, I know.. that's why I told that.. because some people actually believe him. -snort-

    OMG.. L in Dutch? That's wrong. That's sooo wrong

    Edit: I read somewhere that they're going to translate DN in Dutch? I mean, the anime
  4. Mimos
    Lol, I just found out they sell Gravitation and loads of anime's at my local game shop

    Translation of death note? you mean subs or dubs? xD dubs would sound... awkward... xD
  5. EmmyEii
    Dubs, I think, but I'm not certain. Have to look that up to know for sure (but I'm lazy right now + have to leave for work in about 15 mins >.< Ugh).

    Dubs... subs... it would suck either way, as they'd use the English dubs if it were to be subbed. And English dubs are already different (or so I heard xD I watched one dubbed episode.. hm.. not my thing xD). Imagine what they'd make of the Dutch subs
  6. Kreatio
    *tries to imagine Dutch DUBS* Ok, that's just way too scary. I mean, when you don't know anything else than Dutch dubs *like with pokemon, or something * then it's ok, but when you're used to Japanese, or English... scary...
    oh, and Rukin: YOU SPELLED IT WRONG!! *Kills* hehe, no, just kidding ^^ It's just a stupid name anyway, I actually don't even know why I chose it in the first place -.- Kreatio. (sounds pretty stupid, When I look at it now)
  7. EmmyEii
    Hahahaha xD Well, I can't find anything about DN-Dutch-translation (too lazy to form normal sentences...) so.. I must've read it wrong

    Ah, well xD That's good, I suppose. >.< I'm sure they'll kill DN -__-"

    OMG I'm at school right now and I'm veryveryvery glad no one knows what yaoi means
  8. Kreatio
    Hahahaha ^^ If I was at school, I wouldn't dare to come here the teachers can see what you're doing on the computers. I'm pretty sure they could find out. That wouldn't be very good for my perfect-student-reputation *whistle*
  9. EmmyEii
    Lol, no, imagine that xD Not a bright idea ^^" -I'm at school... again... kudos for me -

    Ooooh so you're perfect student? xD That's nice! I know I'm not >.< (a perfect student, that is). Ah, well, whatever.

    And OMG that's so nasty, teachers monitoring your every move >.<
  10. Kreatio
    Yes, our school is kind of.. nasty -.- It was really cool, but then... another man took over... the director from hell *evil music*
    Well, maybe PERFECT student's a bit much, but yeah... I work hard And I'm nice to teachers who're nice to me ^^
    I will be so relieved when I'm done on this school. Next year, we get 900 new students. Our school is already about to explode. *sigh*
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